Schools OUT!

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Holly's POV

Ten. More. Minutes. I glanced across the room at Shawn and Jake. Shawn was chewing on his pencil eyes glued to the clock and Jake sat with his mouth slightly open eyes also glued to the clock. It was the last day of school and I was getting super agitated. I had entered a contest last week for a trip to LA for four and today was the day I found out if I won. If I won there was no doubt who I was taking. Shawn knew I had entered and so did Jake. None of us had told Jessica who had not even bothered to show up for the last day of school. Three minutes. Two minutes. One minute... RINNNGGGGGG!!! A cheer went through the room as there was a mad dash for the door. I got to my locker and cleaned it out, Shawn walked over and kissed me lightly on my lips.

"Hey you, you ready?"

I nodded and slipped my hand into his. Jake came over and gave me a hug,

'so you find out today huh?"

I grinned and nodded.

"So who wants to hit the beach and see if we can find Jessica?"

They both nodded so we walked out the school doors and went to out cars.

"after you my lady."

Shawn bowed as he opened the car door for me. I laughed Shawn never failed to sweep me off my feet with his cheesy romantic ways. We drove down to the beach, Jake was already there and not surprisingly was Jessica, the seemed to be arguing.

"It's not you problem whether I skip school or not Jake."

Jake sucked in his breath.

"I'm not saying it is, I just wanted to know why you skipped! I'm just wondering!"

Shawn and I walked over, they turned to us and smiled but they both still had a frustrated look in their eyes.

"Hey Jess I missed you today!"

I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"OMG what time is it?"

Shawn glanced at his phone,

"three minutes to 2 why?"

I grabbed my phone


Jessica looked at me confused. Oops I had forgotten that we had not told her yet.

"Holly lets go grab smoothies!"

Shawn grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Jessica's wide and greedy eyes.

"What if you do win, do you really think she should come along?"

I looked at Shawn surprised he and Jessica seemed to get on well.

"Why not?"

Shawn palmed his face,

"I just don't think she is what she seems."

I was about to answer when my phone began to ring, Shawn and a glanced at each other, my heart was pounding as I picked it up.


A brisk male voice answered.

"Hello is this Holly?"

"Y-Yes it is who is calling?"

"This is KISS FM radio calling to inform you that you have won the trip to LA for four!"

I gasped and turned to Shawn,

"I WON!!"

Shawn grinned and hugged me,


Jake and Jessica came running over Jake was grinning and jumping up and down like a maniac, Jessica just looked confused.

"wait, you are all going to LA and your not taking me?"

Her voice was shrill and she looked pissed, we all looked at each other and laughed.

"Of course your coming Jess!"

Her face lit up, and she squealed and hugged me so hard I could not breath.

"We had better Start packing!!"

Jessica pulled Jake off to his car. Shawn picked me up and twirled me around, I laughed and clung to his neck.

" A whole month in LA!!!!"

He kissed me over and over again. I smiled,

"I'm glad your excited but I need to get home and start packing."

Shawn carried me to the car and put me down in the passenger seat, I rolled my eyes and sat back in the seat. I. Won.


Shawn's POV

I could not believe it, a whole month in LA for just me and Holly... Oh wait we would have other company. We pulled up to her house, I followed her up o her room and sat down on her window seat, I watched as she opened her closet door, I sat forward and watched her vanish. I stood up and walked around her room, m eyes were drawn to the bulletin board on her wall, I walked over and swept my eyes over the posters and ribbons. One picture caught my eye, it was me, it was taken when we had been by the river walking Abby. I was on the ground with Abby pinning me to he ground, I was laughing. In the corner of the picture was silver writing. Holly's writing. "Life is made of the little moments"

I ran my fingers over her words, they seem to whisper them to me.

"I remember that."

I jumped Holly had appeared and wrapped her arms around my waist. Just then the door creaked open, we turned but there was no one there. I frowned the we looked down, Abby was sitting there with her mouth hanging stupidly open. We burst out laughing.

"I-I thought we were being haunted!"

I gasped out, my sides ached from laughing. I was on the verge of tears, Abby barked. her face just made us laugh harder.


Jake's POV

I was getting impatient, Jessica had made me comment on what seemed to be every outfit she owned and should she take it to LA. It did not help that her comments included:

"I want to boys to notice me."


"I need to look the part of a movie star."

I was about to go insane. IF she made me look at one more sundress I was going to throw myself out he window.

"Jess I just remembered, I have a doctors appointment, I need to hit the road."

The lie came in desperation to get out of the perfumed infected room.

"Okay sweetie call me later!"

Jessica sang. I raced out the door and ran to my car, Holly had never been so needy. NEVER! If I did not come up with a plan to get her back, I might just go insane anyway.



Hello beauties!

So here is he first chapter of he sequel! I hope you liked it.

Remember to



and as always... Remember to stay gorgeous.



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