Packing is a pain

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Jessica's POV

I hate packing. It takes me forever to try on outfits and figure out which one's will make me most noticeable. LA is the land of movie stars, I needed to look the part. I knew I was pretty, I had long blond hair and dark green eyes, I walked over to the full length mirror hanging on my closet. I looked at my curvy figure and heart shaped face. I was an average height about 5.6. I sighed and walked back to my closet. Maybe I needed a shopping spree, no I had more than enough clothes. I pulled out my suitcase and unzipped it, walking back into my closet I began to pull out pairs of heels, flats and sun dresses. Tossing them into my suitcase I paused, I walked back to my closet and got down on my knees, under my sweater shelf was a slightly dusty box, I pulled it out and removed the lid. Inside was all I had left of my mom. She had died when I was 10, I pulled out a photo album and began to flick through the pages. Her movie star smile seemed to sparkle even from the photos. I flipped to the back to the picture I was looking for lay. My mom and dad grinned at me from the Santa Monica pier. She had her arms looped around his waist and he was kissing her cheek. I set the album down and reached further into the box. There it was. I reached in and my fingers met with the soft silky fabric of my mothers favorite sundress, it was blue, purple and white tie-dye. I buried my nose in the fabric as I felt my eyes fill with tears as my mothers voice seem to whisper from the fabric.

" Jesse, you were born to be a star, let your light shine. As long as you so what you love you will make me the proudest mother ever."

I was full out crying by now, I picked up the dress and placed in my suitcase.

"I'll make you proud mama"


Holly's POV

"So whatcha think?"

I had been joking around with Shawn by trying on the stupidest outfits I could find and treating them like I was going to the red carpet.

"Simply stunning!"

Shawn was trying had to keep a straight face, I struck my worst movie star pose. He laughed. I switched to trying to find good outfits to take with me.

"Help me!'

Shawn walked over and helped me flick through my closet, he held out a pair of white shorts and a pink tee-shirt.

"How about these? You look cute in pink."

I was impressed, he had a sense of style. I walked over and took the outfit from him.

"Simply faboo! Who knew you were such a fashion queen...King"

He grinned and placed the outfit in my suitcase, He began to look through my jewelry boxes. I smiled at the look on his face, I had a lot of stuff in there, but not much of value. I walked over and leaned over to look with him. He pulled out some string bracelets I had made.

"Did you make these?'

I nodded, I gently took them from him and turned them over in my fingers, they held more of a story then they seemed. Back in middle school I had struggled to find friends, that led to me having depression, when I was depressed I would lock myself in my room and just make these string bracelets. Some of them still had tear stains.

"Hey you okay?"

I blinked then nodded I placed them in a bag and placed them in my suitcase. I leaned me head on Shawn's shoulder. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"Yeah i'm just a little nervous. I have never traveled without my parents before."

Shawn hugged me

"you will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you."

I smiled and kissed him. Man who knew this could be such a pain?"


Jake's POV

I was sitting on my bed surrounded my clothes, I had looked through my entire closet and had found no LA worthy shirts. Crap, looks like I need to go shopping. I grabbed the family credit card and my keys and got in my car. On the way to the little mall near the school I passed Holly's house. Shawn's car sat in the driveway. I clenched the wheel so tight my knuckles turned pure white.

Ten minutes later I pulled into the malls parking lot. I went to Aropostal and began to slick thorough the I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"I still can't believe Holly is not taking me to LA! I mean i'm her best friend! Why would she not take me?"

Lexi, I walked over and peered at her through the shelves.

"I don't care if she wants to spend the summer with her boyfriend and Jake! After what he did to her I can't even believe she lets Jake come within a 10 mile radius of her!"

I rolled my eyes, I already knew that she hated me that was clear enough. I continued combing through the shelves. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw a fuming Lexi standing there.

"you-you son of a bitch!"

I stepped back but kept my cool.

"Got a problem Lexi?"

She folded her arms and stepped closer to me. She looked like she was ready to kill.

"Yes I have a problem, you should not be going on this trip with her! And you know it, she deserves the best and Shawn is what you could never be! I should be going instead of y-"

I cut her off I was not in the mood for this, I took my stuff to the counter and paid.


I ignored her and walked out of the store to my car. I could deal with the hate. As long as it kept me in Holly's good books.



Hey beauties thanks for reading! Why would Holly forget about her best friend? What else is Jessica hiding from her friends? Lol I need to find answers, even I don't know yet. I will try to update as much as possible over the summer!



and as always, remember to stay gorgeous!



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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