Chapter 1

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Finally, the day everyone waited for was here; Barry and Iris decided to finally marry and today was their rehearsal dinner. Everyone was enjoying the moment, raising a toast to the couple who are going to be married the following morning.

"Oliver, I don't want to marry you!" Felicity yelled and left the room, and Oliver had the eyes of the people in the entire room staring at him. He felt so embarrassed that he left the room without saying a word or meeting eyes with anyone.

He walked outside the room and stood in front of a concrete wall, and taking a deep breath, intaking what just happened, he punched the wall and let out a breath; shaking his head with a nod.
Kara couldn't understand what just happened and followed Oliver outside; of course, she couldn't leave her best friend alone, could she?

"Oliver..." she firmly yet concernedly added, staring right at him "...are you okay?!"
And Oliver gave a nod,
"What just happened?!
I... I know this is probably the worst time to say this, but I thought you... you two were in love with each other," Kara added taking a step forward towards Oliver, trying to find some answers to what just happened
"I did, or at least it's what I thought... or felt...I guess" Oliver added feeling guilty about what he just confessed,
"But I should be happy that she rejected marrying me, shouldn't I?" he tried not to make eye contact with Kara; but Kara could understand that something was wrong with Oliver, although she had no clue what he was saying
"Maybe, she is a little overwhelmed looking at Barry and Iris... you should give her some time to process, and ask again," Kara added trying to comfort and cheer Oliver a little but he didn't say anything but turned to her and gave her direct eye contact.
"Oliver, at this point, you are making me guilty about not having powers to read minds" Kara added guiltily looking at him, and he let out a breath
"Kara...I..." He turned to her and begin trying to make some sense of his earlier words,
"I... today I saw Iris and Barry being so happy, planning for their future, and thought maybe I should ask out Felicity, she is the only woman in my life who has seen me in my worse phases, but..." He paused
"But, what?!" Kara questioned
"But...I don't know if that's what I want anymore, I mean Felicity is an amazing woman. Smart, intelligent; who gets me all the time, but... I just feel wrong about loving someone else deeply and marrying someone else, just coz..." he sighed before even completing his sentence further; but Kara didn't understand a word he said. She had known him forever and how much he loved Felicity and wanted to settle with her and have a family.

"You mean Sara?" she questioned him, "do you still have feelings for her?"
"No, not Sara, not anymore" he added
"Okay... I am way trying to understan-..." and before Kara could finish, Oliver pulled her by her waist and getting her face closer to his, he kissed her, deeply, as if he somewhere knew that Kara will never be hers. Knowing that she was with Mon-El and unknowing the fact that things have changed between them now.

On the contrary, Kara kissed him back equally trying to keep their pace. For a moment she felt alive; all that pain, all that heartbreak was fading away. She thought to herself, maybe Mon-El was a mistake from day one and maybe this was it. She then, not breaking the kiss, began pulling off his coat, and Oliver could feel their passion running into their bodies and he couldn't hold it anymore. He had to tell her, perhaps show her, how she makes him feel. Henceforth, he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, causing it to crack slightly; but still kissing her, he grabbed her leg and curled it around his waist, making her balance on her other leg; and Kara could feel his crotch growing bigger and also understanding where this was going and also where there were at the moment;
"Oliver, we should stop" Kara whispered in between their kisses,
"What If I don't want to?" He added grabbing her soft lips into his mouth,
"Oliver... neither do I...but what if someone walks out on us?! Barry, maybe Iris; things are already awkward after Felicity said no in In front of the entire room full of friends and family, and seeing us together, like this, will make things even worse for us ... especially for you" Kara explained to Oliver in a soft gentle way
"Yeah, yeah, you are right...what was I thinking" He let out a soft sigh and cleared his throat,
"Maybe, we'll talk about this later, when everyone is asleep?" Kara added assuring him,
"Yeah, sure..." Oliver agreed and just in time Barry walked out
"Oliver, Kara, is everything okay?" Barry questioned the two have no idea what just happened there seconds ago thank God, Barry didn't use his speed to get there or they would have been exposed and a million questions raised at them,
"Yeah, yeah. We are okay, I was just telling Oliver that give Felicity some time" Kara explained trying not to make eye contact with Barry

"Yeah, I think it's the right decision for the time, I'm sure she will say yes eventually, I mean she loves you right?" Barry explained and Oliver nodded letting out a breath
"Okay, you two, ready?" Barry further questioned
"Ready for what?" Oliver questioned
"To get drunk tonight...of course!
I know I already had my bachelor party, but I missed you two..."
"You mean, get me drunk? Barry, you and I both know here that you and Kara can't get drunk, alcohol doesn't work against your powers," Oliver shrugged being obviously,
"I know, but not after having this" Barry added by taking out two tiny vials of blue and red fluorescent liquid into each of them.
"what's that?" Kara added with a crinkle on her head, being curious,
"It's something... a courtesy from Cisco... after taking these, we can't use our powers, we will be like normal humans, at least for the next 7-8 hours..." Barry explained
"Cool, I'll take it" Kara added picking the blue vile and intaking it without having second thoughts, and the two looked at her in shock
"What?! I could use a normal night right now, drinking and getting drunk" Kara shrugged explaining,
"Okay, I'll get us three there to the bar and then take the dose," Barry added
"Alright then, take the lead" Oliver added agreeing to Barry, and Barry then took his position and putting his hand on both their waist, he speeded them to the Bar, where Barry intake the drug by Cisco and the three walked inside.

Later that evening...

The three had a good time together and were drunk, especially Kara and Barry; and since they couldn't use their powers, decided to take a walk to their apartments. The two were not stable as they walked but Oliver made sure that he looked out for them, as he stayed slightly sober knowing he can't be so irresponsible and get drunk entirely when Barry insisted. Because he had the responsibility as the oldest among the three, and if something goes south, especially when the two Super invisible heroes were at the most vulnerable place, he had to rescue them.


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