The Breach

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"Ice and fire may be opposites, but both burn you and both can destroy you."

•Day 1•

Declan had called Celina and Yuri, for a meeting in LDS, Declan did not want to reveal any information through the call, so Celina had to drag her counterpart to the building.

-Well, we're already here, what do you need?

-We have a problem... There's a, dimensional breach, here...

-And why did you bring us? If it is in your dimension, not ours... - mentioned Yuri a little bit annoyed.

-Because we were able to see a little of what's behind that breach... And the young man, he looks like you both.- Said Declan, adjusting his glasses- this is the recording...

On the screen that had just opened, appeared a young man, maybe 16-17 years, with blue hair and pink locks, green eyes and wearing a school uniform, he was talking to a girl with brown eyes and hair of the same color, suddenly the young man realized that there was someone watching him and when he tried to touch the breach, it closed.

-Ok, what do you mean he looks like us?? - said Yuri,

-It's clear, he has your eye and hair color, but we don't know anything else... Have you two became... closer? 

-Well, we have been forming a small... Alliance?

Yuri turned to see Celina and she simply shook her head.

-So you don't even know what you are.

Declan leaned back into his chair as he closed a briefcase.

-I'm not interested what I'm to him so... goodbye!

Celina grabbed her duel disk and was about to leave when the door hit her because someone opened it

-Hey!! Watch where you're going!- Celina yelled at Shay who had just arrived.

-Don't be so desperate...- Shay turned to look at her 

Celina was a little offended and tried to hit Shay, of course that with Shay's reflexes she wouldn't be able to touch him.

-Do you remember that breach tha opened yesterday?- Shay asked Declan as he hands him a folder

-Yeah, what's this?- Declan opened the folder and found some photographs

-Another one opened this morning, this is what we found.

In the images, there was a teenage girl with blue hair and pink eyes, she was wearing a green uniform.

While Declan and Shay argued about what this could mean, Declan's bodyguard entered the room panting a bit

-We have bad news, sir.

-What's wrong?

-We have a young lady, VERY angry outside, she says she saw this building in a... window or something.

Shay ran off to see if the girl outside was the same girl in the pictures, Declan told celina to follow him, once they arrived at the door they found the girl from the breach 

-I Want to know where i am!- She demanded

-What's your name?- asked shay trying to calm her down. 

-Rio... Rio Kastle, what about you?

-Shay Obsidian, nice to meet you, Rio...

Shay noticed that Declan had arrived and allowed him to talk to the girl.

-Good evening, miss Kastle, Rio Kastle right?- Declan asked.

-Yeah that's right, now, Could you please tell me where i am!?- Rio looked very annoyed at this point.

-The Standard dimension, from which dimension are you from, miss?

-Dimension? ummm, Heartland?

Shay reacted inmmediatly and even startled Declan, who was already used to that kind of behavior coming from his friend.

-Are you from the XYZ dimension?- Shay got closer to Rio quickly 

A ray of hope shone through shay's eyes.

-Eh? Maybe, i think so?

-Can I see your deck?

-Um, Sure

Rio took her mechanical duel disk and handed her deck to shay, who whispered the words. 

-You're not only from the XYZ dimension, you're a barian empress...


So this is the translation of the first chapter, hope you like it and if you notice anything's wrong, please tell me!

Thanks for reading and see you next chapter 

Cold As Ice, Strong As Fire (English)Where stories live. Discover now