N° 103

50 1 0

-May I see your deck?


Rio took out of a mechanic duel disk her deck and handed it to shay, who whispered the words...

-Not only you're from the XYZ dimension... you're a barian empress... you own the card N°103 Ragnazero and it's variations

Rio was surprised, she never thought someone would recognize her as a "Barian empress" just because of her cards

-What do you know about the barian?  -Rio asked with curiosity and suspicion

-Since I'm from xyz, it's like general culture so I know... A lot -Shay was trying to speak as calm as possible, he was in front of the legendary barian empress Marin and he couldn't believe it.

Celina, who wasn't interested in the conversation asked if she could go, Declan just told her that he would call her later.

-If you excuse me, I need to call some friends, is that alright? -Shay asked before dialing Yuto's number

-It's perfect! -Rio smiled, she seemed less angry than before, probably because Shay was so welcoming with her and aswered all of her questions.


After Celina and Yuri arrived to the Fusion Dimension, Yuri went straight to his room while Celina stayed in the halls for a bit where she got a message from Rin.

Rin and Yugo fight almost everyday, but in the message it seemed as if Rin was REALLY mad at yugo for some reason, Celina couldn't think of anything else to do so she accepted to go.

-Alright, what happened? -Celina asked in the moment she saw Yugo and Rin

-Yeah! Why don't you tell her!!! -Rin hands were covered in oil and their D-Runner was leaking

-Well, we saw someone who was jack's friend and I tried to talk with them- Yugo was interrupted by Rin

-No no, he meant he tried to yell at them and ask weirdly especific questions!

-You want me to explain or not? 

Rin was more than annoyed, she sighed in frustration and left, most likely to wash her hands.

-She saw me and... disappeared in seconds, I got scared and triped with the D-Runner and well, it's leaking oil...

Yugo was clearly sad and Celina noticed how bad he was feeling.

-But, you can fix it right?

-Absolutely but, this has already happened 4 times in a month

Celina's eyes widened in suprise but cleared her throat and tried to act as if she wasn't surprised

-4 times huh? Well, fix this and I'll talk with Rin, maybe I can help you.

Celina left and found Rin in a small kitchen, she was trying to remove all the oil from her hands

-Hey, why are you so mad? -Celina asked as she leaned in the door frame

-I... I was about to tell him I love him

-Oh, that explains everything... But, you can fix the D-Runner and then confess your feelings, right?



Rin rolled her eyes before smiling at Celina, who winked at her and watched as Rin left the kitchen and picked up a tool they were going to use before giving it to Yugo

-What would you do without me? -Rin smiled softly at him, Yugo's smile appeared again and they laughed.

Celina sighed in relief and left the place. She inteded to go to a clothes store she liked when she bumped into someone 

-Sorry! I didn't see you there...-A woman holding 5 boxes apologized first

-It's fine, I'm fine... You need any help?

-Oh, please!

-Alright... Give me 3 

Celina took the boxes that were blocking the woman's vision field, when she turned to see who she had helped she found a woman with red hair and honey brown colored eyes, around her twenties.

-The name's Akiza... nice to meet you!


Another chapter finished!!

The story is translated by me, so if you find any mistakes please tell me!!!

Thanks for reading and see you next chapter :)

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