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"Come down Eunjae, breakfast is ready!" My mother yells like every morning. However, I don't have time for it today. If you wake up late, you need do without something other. In my case, breakfast. "I have to go mom! Otherwise I'll be late!" I walk towards the elevator and press the button. It begins to glow green and in the next moment the silver shining doors begin to open.

The apartment I live in with my mother is actually like any apartment here in my district. Large windows from the floor to the ceiling and light brown floors. A modern black and white kitchen combined with living room with a view of Seouls skyline. My room, on the other hand, always looks well, very untidy. Or as my mother rather says: "Did you played with bombs again?" However, I find it a little exaggerated. My mother's room is the absolute opposite of mine. It is clean and kept in beige and white tones. You can't find a single hair on the floor and her desk looks like in one of these office advertisements.

I don't like going to school, I'm a "nobody" in the eyes of others anyway. I often sit alone in some corner of the classroom in the break. My grades are also average. Many A's and B's, some C's too. I am hardly noticed by my classmates. I don't think it's bad, I would just like to have at least one friend I can count on.

Actually, every school day feels the same to me. But today everyone is behaving differently. Girls whisper excitedly to each other and the boys try to fix their hair. However, they don't succeed and in the end it looks like they have dead rats on their heads. Chaeryeong, the most popular girl in our class, and also the school tries to paint their eyelashes, which could also work as shovels, with mascara and bends them even more.

For me personally, it doesn't matter what everyone does, except for Chaeryeong. She upsets me. Just everything about her, I could talk hours and would still find reasons why I don't like her.


The door of the classroom opened and a handsome boy with brown hair steps in. "This is your new classmate from Daegu. Please treat him like any other person." Introduces Mrs. Lee the mysterious and brown-haired guy to us.

The new guy opened his mouth and begins: "Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm from Daegu and I'm 16 years old." His voice was so deep that it feels like he catched a cold and it ruined his voice.

After that Ms. Lee, asked Taehyung to choose a seat ,and now he has been standing in front of the blackboard for what felt like years and looks through the classroom. The only seats that are available are either in the front row or the seat next to me.

Kim Taehyung walks in my direction and sits down in the free seat next to me. "Oh gosh. Why does Tae have to sit next to her?" I hear Chaeryeong whispering. I don't understand it either, but seriously? Why has she already created a nickname for him? I don't even know why I care, because normally I'm not interested in guys, but somehow it's different with Taehyung.

Did I just fell in love? No, it can't be. I don't even know how to do it, so how al I able to fall in love? I am so stupid. Stupid Eunjae.


Sometimes people think a boy and sometimes they think I am a girl. I have a wolf cute and wear a cap almost everywhere possible. The school uniform is actually okay. It has a black suit jacket, a black skirt for the girls and pants for the boys. A white shirt and a navy blue tie. But my style outside of school is completely different. I like very baggy and oversized clothes. My mom always says I should by more colourful clothes and not so much black. But I like black so I don't care about what she says.

I really like spicy food and chicken. I don't really know why, but I like it. I often get told that I have the mouth of a monster because I don't change my face even a little bit when I eat those fire noodles.


„For a short reminder, if you cheat you fail instantly!" My maths teacher yells in my face. I never cheated in my entire life. Well maybe I did, but no one needs to know. I don't like maths but I also don't hate it, maths is just a so called "meh" subject.

The question were easy. But I don't think Taehyung is happy with his answers. „What do you think you get?" He suddenly asks me and I almost fall of my chair and hit my head on the floor. „E-Er, I don't know. I think I did well." I answered. „Lucky." I heard him whisper but shrugged it of. Why should I care about hin right? Actually I should. Maybe he could be my first friend ever. „Wanna be friends?" I asked. Where did the confidence come from? „U-Uh sure. What's your name?" He asked. „Nice to meet you, I am Kang Eunjae tha so called "nobody" in this school." I introduced myself. He began speaking: „I don't think you're a "nobody" you seem nice!" Wow, no one ever told me something this nice.

I didn't noticed that I started to zone out. „Everything alright?" Taehyung asks me. „O-Oh yeah. It's just, that no one ever said something like this to me." I explained. „Why though? No one is a nobody. Everyone has their own personality, hobbies and thoughts. I don't think you are a "nobody", you are just yourself." „You are wrong" I start. "I am not myself. How could I, if I myself don't even know who I am? It just doesn't makes sense." I contradicted. „How could you not know who you are?" He says confused. But I don't know what to answer and just keep quiet.

At the end of the day he gave me his phone number and I gave him mine. And if you're to lazy to say it like this, we exchanged our phone numbers. I never did that before, but I don't think I will do it ever again. I am sure about that.

N E X T   D A Y

I walk into the kitchen and see my mom cooking delicious breakfast. I don't think that today will be a great day, but st least I can eat delicious breakfast at home. „How was school yesterday? I forgot to ask because u went straight to bed wen you got home." Says my mom. „I just made a new friend, nothing special." I said bored. „Nothing special? Oh my dear, that is really special. In all those years you never had a friend. But now you have one, I am so proud of you!"


„Hey Tae!" „Morning." I sit down on my seat and take my black pencil case out of my bag. „Do you have time after school? I wanted to go to that new Cafe they sell very good cheesecake!" Taehyung ask me and I nod. Why would I decline? I love cheesecake, its the best dessert in the entire world. Well, for me it is.

Our maths teacher Mr. Jung walks in and throws his ugly leather bag on his desk. „I am very disappointed in the quizzes I made you take yesterday. We only have one A! And I didn't expected it from this person." What the hell is he talking about. „Kang Eunjae, please come to the blackboard. Congratulations, you got the only A out of this entire class." Mr. Jung yells in my ear. He did not just exposed me in front of my entire class. Embarrassing. I never liked attention, I never actually got it and it feels amazing. Maybe I should study more. No, I shouldn't. Why would I waste my life time?


„Let's go?" „Yup, let's go!" Taehyung answers. I am really excited to taste the cheesecake. Maybe I should go more to cafes and eat many cheesecakes. „Why did you even moved to Soul?" I ask Tae. „My dad found a new job and I got bullied in my old school." Huh, Bullied? Isn't he slightly too handsome and nice to be bullied? I know, sometimes he behaves like an alien, but that's all. I really like him, as a friend of course. „Bullied? Why did they bully you though? Aren't you too nice and handsome for that?" I ask. And he answers: „You can be the most handsome guy in the world and you would still get bullied. The boys in my old class hated the fact that almost every girl in the school had a crush on me. They said I was stupid, my behaviour was weird. But when I saw you yesterday, I had a feeling you are just like me. Lonely and hated by almost everyone in the school." Wow, I didn't expect that.

Word count: 1533

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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