The Movie: Part Two

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( I have way to many pictures of Sadie Sink, so I'm sharing them with you guys. Plus she's amazing)

Earlier that day

Jane's POV:

I've recently started to feel less in love with Mike than I used to. He's been acting like a total asshole recently, and getting all worked up over the slightest things. When I want to spend time with our friends, I'm in his words "being a stuck up asshole, and am most likely cheating on him with some other guy", which I am not doing. I just want time away from him. Also, when I want to spend time with my beautiful, funny, and amazing best friend Max, I'm just "using time with her to avoid him." I'm honestly tired of it. I need a break, so I'm going to tell him after the movie with our friends.

*Timeskip to Scoops Ahoy*

*Ding Ding Ding Ding-

Mike grabbed Dustin's hand and took it away from the bell "Dustin if you don't stop ringing that bell, I swear I'm going to end you." Spat Mike, slowly raising his voice,

"Make me. Micheal." Said Dustin in a sassy tone as he started ringing the bell even faster than before.

"Dustin, I swear to god, I will ki-" Started Mike before being cut of by the person behind the counter.

"Whoa, woah, woah, calm down children." Started steve. "Anyways, are you here to order something, or are you here to take advantage of my 'amazing' job?" He questioned.

"Movies." We all said at the same time without looking at each other.

"Figured as much. Well come along then." Said Steve leading us to the back entrance to the movie theater.

As everyone had already started down the path, I tuned around to the boy standing in the door "Thanks Steve." I said smiling.

"No problem kid. Oh right, where are Max and Lucas, shouldn't they be with you guys?" Questioned the older boy while raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, knowing Max she's probably late, and Lucas stayed outside to wait for her. I wanted to go with him, but Mike heavily protested that I stay with him." I said with a bitter undertone at the end.

Steve smiled at me knowingly before responding "Alright, I'll keep an eye out for them. Now go run along to your friends."

"Ok, and thanks again Steve. Bye. You're the best!" I said while waving to him and walking towards the theater.

"You're welcome again, Jane. Bye." Said Steve happily.


When we arrived at the movie the theater, there were two seats next to Dustin for Lucas and Max, and one on next to Mike for me. I knew it was wrong, but I decided to take the seat next to Dustin.

That unsurprisingly made Mike very mad and he turned to me with a disgusted look painted across his face. "Why aren't you sitting next to me?"

"I want to sit next to Max, she's my best friend." My heart ached when I called her that, but if she's not my best friend... then what is she to me?

"Ugh, of course you choose to sit with her over me! Why are you avoiding me?" Whisper-shouted Mike while keeping the same expression.

At this point I was starting to get angry, but I was not about to fight with him in a movie "Listen Mike, first of all I'm not avoiding you. I just want to sit with my friend. Second, I am not about to fight with you in a movie theater, so can we talk about this like the civilized people we are, later." I said firmly.

Mike didn't say anything, he just poured like a child and turned away from me, whilst Dustin and Will stared at we with wide eyes.

" Fine, don't answer. I'm going to go see if Max is here." I said while rolling my eyes at his childish behavior.

In Her Eyes -An Elmax fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now