Silver Scales | Sunny x Fatespeaker

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A/N: Today I present to you Sunny x Fatespeaker! The previous two oneshots only took me one or two sittings to complete, and I really don't feel like they were nearly my best writing, so I put in an extra mile with this one and planned out a basic "plot" so I could have it be more of a full length oneshot than a little scenario. It's by far my longest oneshot so far, because I felt like I wasn't really writing enough or putting in enough effort up until this point.

Also, I hope I got Fatespeaker's characterisation right. If it seems a bit off, or too much like another character (I did worry that I might have been writing her a bit too much like Kinkajou here and there), don't be afraid to tell me. Another thing is dialogue. I've always struggled to write enough of it, and to write it well, so I'm making a conscious effort now to write with more dialogue. I'm a developing writer, so I'm always open to constructive criticism, so long as you aren't too harsh about it.

Anyways, sorry for the long author's note, and I promise I'll try to cut them down in future oneshots. Enjoy :)


Summary as written on AO3: A walk taken together through the Jade Mountain Academy leads Sunny and Fatespeaker to an unexpected revelation about their relationship.


Fatespeaker loved Jade Mountain Academy. She loved the idea of bringing all seven dragon tribes together in a place where they could find unity, so they wouldn't have to keep fighting all the time. She loved seeing dragons from different tribes interacting in a nonviolent way, learning to intermingle without war.

     SkyWings and SeaWings, sharing a sleeping cave, living as clawmates - peacefully. IceWings and MudWings, sitting together, helping each other with the same history homework - peacefully. And NightWings walking amongst the other tribes as their equals, instead of lying to everyone under the pretext that they, as the "superior tribe", could do anything they thought was necessary if their prophecies told them it would be for the better of Pyrrhia.

     It was everything Fatespeaker had hoped the world would be when she was growing up. But she had been so, so wrong; she'd walked right out of the Talons of Peace camp and onto an island shrouded in lies and cruelty and fear and despair. It was beyond horrible, but she'd tried so hard to tell herself it was not all that bad. But there was nothing "not all that bad" about it at all. There was nothing "not all that bad" about NightWings kidnapping RainWings for their venom, planning to use it against the pacifist dragons in their invasion of the Rainforest. In fact... it sometimes made her ashamed to be a NightWing herself.

     But here at Jade Mountain Academy, it wasn't like that. It didn't matter what tribe you were from, or what tribe your friends and family were from. This place was a breath of fresh, clean air, away from the enmity that plagued the rest of the continent. Here, NightWings and RainWings could laugh and grow together, putting aside their past conflicts. All thanks to the dragonets of destiny (the... real dragonets of destiny, something she still felt a pang of anguish at whenever she remembered it), the world was slowly but surely learning to get along again.

     But Fatespeaker's love for the school was second only to her love for her role within it. She worked here as an assistant librarian, to the one and only Starflight! The super awesome NightWing dragonet of destiny, who was also crazy-smart enough to manage as a blind librarian! He was just amazing, and Fatespeaker had known he would be from the day she'd first seen him, being flown onto the NightWing island by Morrowseer.

     Currently, she was saving him some work by taking some returned scrolls back to their respective shelves. After slotting away the final one, which happened to be a fiction scroll that lived on a circular rack, she turned back to Starflight and grinned.

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