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"WAKE UPPPPPPP!" Louis said whilst jumping on the bed like he were on drugs.

"Leave me alone" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

"No you have to get ready we have an interview today"

"So that doesn't mean I have to go" I said

"Nope your going. Cause they said they might want to ask you some questions" he said

"Ohhhhh no I can't. I will probably freakin fall on my face or something" I said scared to death

"No you'll be fine. Get ready we leave in 30 minutes and you still haven't eaten. So get your lazy butt up" he said slapping his butt

"Ughhhhh ok" I groan

I got up and took a shower. I started to hum 'I would walk 500 miles' I don't know why. It's a weird song. But amusing.

I got out and dried my hair. I decided to braid it.

I went to my closet and put on a black Bralet on with a baby pink leather jacket I just left unzipped. Then I just put some white high waisted shorts on and tan pumps.

Since i was going to be on tv with thousands of viewers I put on some mascara, blush, and smokey eyeshadow.

I must admit I look good.

I headed to the kitchen to eat. I smell bacon. Aw I love bacon.

"Good morning guys" I said while walking in.

"Good morning" they said

"Do I look ok for the interview" I said

"Babe don't worry you look fine" Zayn said while winking.

What's up with these guys and winking. Gosh is there something in their eye.

"thanks zayniepoo" I said while grabbing some bacon and orange juice.

"Zayniepoo?" Liam questioned

"Yep that's his new nickname" I said happily

"What about me!" Harry said

"Oh ummmm how about Harry poo" I said

" it sounds like zayns though" he winned

"We'll get over" I said while snapping my fingers in a Z form.

"You've been hanging out with Louis too much. I swear" Niall said

We all laughed.

We herd a knock at the door.

"Who's that?" I asked

"Probably Paul" Zayn said

We all went to the door.

"Hello guys! How are you?" Simon Cowe- wait woah hold up its Simon Cowell. I used to love watching him judge on tv at the orphanage.

"We're good" Louis said guestering him inside.

"And you must be Brooklyn. It's nice to meet you. My names Simon" he said

"Hello. Nice to meet you too!" I said probably shaking

"We'll guys I just thought I would stop by to tell you that you guys will be leaving to go to america in 2 weeks and I'd love to chat but I have to go to a meeting" Simon said

"Yea nice to see you. We actually have to go to an interview right now" Louis said

"Bye!" We all said waving goodbye

And he left. I can't believe I just met Simon. The Simon Cowell.

We herd another knock

"Hello guys ready to go" Paul said

"Yep lets go" Niall said

We all hopped into the car.


When we arrived there were millions of screeching maniacs attacking our cars. dang they cray.

We finally made it through the crowd and walked into the back door into the back interview place were people were taking breaks and eating, talking so on.

"Here boys are you guys ready" a man said gesturing them

towards the interview stage.

"Ready" the said

"Ladies and a few Gents please welcome One Direction!" The interviewer said.

The screams oh god I think I'm going deaf.


After a few minutes of talking the man said "so guys I've herd about this new little sister Brooklyn I think??"

"Yea we love her. She's really nice. We all get along real well." Liam said

All the boys agreed.

"Is she here." The dude said

"Actually she's right back stage." Niall said

Gee thanks NIALL.

"Do you think we could have her on for a few questions?" The guy asked

"Sure." Zayns said while motioning me to him.

Oh god please don't fall please don't fall. I guess it wasn't a good idea to wear heels since the fact I don't want to fall.

"Hello Brooklyn it's nice to meet you" he said

"Nice to meet you too" I said

I was sitting between Zayn and Liam.

"So how is it like living with the 5 crazy lads" he asked

"It's great really. There always so thoughtful. I love living with them there so sweet. There just really 5 normal guys." I said

I herd some 'awwwws' from the crowd.

"That's really sweet. Also what happened to your parents? Or is that to personal" he asks

What tha well of course it personal.

I started to fell tears arising.

Zayn just hugs me.

"Ummm it's just that...we'll.." I said

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell the world about my past. They'd judge me. Think im worthless like my dad did.

I feel tears falling so I just run of stage and into a corner a sit. Just let the tears I have been holding flow. I was broken inside. Stuck in the past and can't get out. Kinda like a jail to torture. Once your in its hard getting out. Very. I don't know what to do anymore. What about cutting. No I can't I promised Harry I wouldn't. I would break him if I did. I don't want to cause drama.

I herd faint screams of my name coming around the corner.

I needed to be alone. Just think. Think about who I am. Am I worthless. I don't know. I need to know. So I just ran. Ran for dear life. Like something bad was casing me and I needed to get away. Far. But just for a while. So I ran. Ran out the door. In a random direction I just took off my shoes and ran.

--------------------------------A/N Hey you guys. Hope y'all enjoy. I will update later. Nothing really to say. So...




-Brooke <3

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