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"Oh god where did she go know?" Louis shouts angrily

"I don't know. And why did that guy ask her that obviously she was in the orphanage for a reason" I said

Like why did he say that. It's just to personal. She's probably so hurt right know.

"Let's go find her." Harry said while we all ran outside with out consulting anyone.

"Where are you boys going?" Paul screams.

"To find Brooklyn!" Niall shouts

We all hop into a black van while Louis drives.

"Where should we look" Zayn says

"Ummm how about home!" Louis says

"Yea lets go check then we can split up if she's not there. She could be anywhere for all we know" Zayn said

So we started to head home. We managed to somehow drive through the pile of screaming fans.


I ran and ran.

I decided to go to this park that no one really goes to. It's beautiful. It has this lake and a bridge with flowers all over it.

I decided to go there and just sit by a tree right next to the bridge.

I just didn't want to talk to anyone right now. What they guy said just made me break. I guess I'm just that fragile. Like paper.

I love singing. It takes my mind off things. So I decided to sing 'Skyscraper' by Demi.

Sky's are crying. I am watching. Catching year drops in my hand.

Only silence as its ending.

Like we never had a chance.

Do you have to make me feel like

There's nothing left of me.

You can take everything I have.

You can break everything I am.

Like I'm made of grass

Like I'm made of paper.

Go on and try to tear me down

I will be rising for the ground

Like a skyscraper

Like a skyscraper.


"Your a great singer." A girly voice said

I turn around to see a girl with red hair and blue eyes.

"Umm thanks. Who are you?" I ask

"I'm Pandora! Yea I know it's a weird name!" She said

"We'll I like it. It's really pretty. Oh yea and my names Brooklyn by the way but you can call me Brooke." I said

"OMG are you the girl that One direction adopted!" She says in amazement.

Oh great another fan.

"Yep" I said hopping she wouldn't attack me

She must of knew I was uncomfortable cause she said "and it's ok I'm not a crazed fan. I won't scream or do anything crazy" she said

"Oh good" I say

She comes and sits next to me

"So what are you doing here? Where are the boys?" She asked

Oh god shell hate me if I tell her she think I'm worthless along with my dad.

"Umm well I ran away." I say as I slightly sob

She hugs me "it's ok you can tell me if u want but you don't have too" she says

"I can tell you." I say

So we sit there for a while as I tell her how my dad beat me and the interview.

"Omg why would he ask you that. And your dad... That's crazy. Your jot worthless. Don't listen to him." She says and it seams like she really ment it.

"Thanks" I said

"I wonder if there looking for me?" I said

"Probably. Why don't you call them?" She says

"No it's fine I just need to give them a break from me they probably hate me for running out of the interview like a freak" I say

"No they love you. Trust me. They talk about how amazing you are in interviews" she says

"And if your not going home tonight you can stay at mine. In sure my parents would t mind"

We'll I do need friends.

"Um ok I'll text them" I say

"Yay she screams. Well have so much fun. Let me call my mom" she screams

I just sit there laughing

To Liam:

Hey Liam sorry for acting like a baby. I'm fine now. I'm staying with a friend. See ya later. Love you

"My mom said yes" she squeals hanging up the phone.

"Cool. I haven't herd from Liam, oh leggo." I say

I'm quite happy to get away from all the drama. I need to have fun. I guess. But I'm happy I made a friend.

From Liam:

OH MY GOSH BROOKE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER!!!! I'm coming to get you!!!!!!!! Where r u???

To Liam:

No don't come get me I'm fine. I have a friend. She's really nice. I'm staying at her house! Sorry. Love u

From Liam:

R u sure??? I just want you to be safe. No one should ask u something that personal. I'm sorry. Love you. Be safe. Xx

To Liam:

Trust me I will be safe. I love you too.

"LEGGO" Pandora shouts

That girl is cray.


Brooklyn's been gone for 3 hours. We've called and texted her so much. We've all searched everywhere. Zayn punched a wall. So did Liam. We've been worried sick. We love her.

"We need to find her. We can't stop!" Harry screams

He's been real angry along with everyone else.

"Guys I just got a text from her. She said that she met a friend and she's staying over. I don't know it feels off" Liam says

Thank god. I herd some sighs.

"Oh no we need her here like now" Louis yells in anger.

"We don't even know this girl she's with" Zayn said

We all think for a bit.

"I'm letting her stay. She needs some girl time. Away from us stressful boys." Liam says

I think we need her here. Away from creepers we don't even freakin know.

"What happened to day direction?" I ask

"We'll she needs some time alone!" Liam explains

"Ok well we will go and get her first thing in the morning!" Harry says aggravated as he gets up and storms to his room with the door slamming behind.

"Night guys!" Zayn says while getting up and walking away with Louis behind.

"Night" I say and head to my room.

It's going to be a stress filled day tomorrow.

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