Satan 1

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Therapist: Satan, thank you for volunteering to do the first individual session. What made you decide to volunteer?

Satan: MC suggested I have a session with you because I have been involved in more arguments recently.

Therapist: Is there anyone in particular?

Satan: Mainly Lucifer.

Therapist: Tell me about your relationship with him.

Satan: I try not to. I can't stand him!

Therapist: Sounds like you hate him?

Satan: How could I not?! Have you met him?

Therapist: *nods* I have. But you haven't really explained why you hate him.

Satan: He thinks he's better than everyone. He's pompous, arrogant, and tries to control everything.

Therapist: And because of those three things, you hate him?

Satan: That and other things. I don't need him dictating my life. It's my life, I make my decisions.

Therapist: Could you not still make decisions for yourself? Do you not have control of your life?

Satan: Of course I do! *begins fuming*

Therapist: Then why let someone else's view of appropriate decisions, influence your own?

Satan: *calms and sits back in his seat* I don't think I ever saw it that way.

Therapist: Just something to think on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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