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Quick Bio

Y/n L/n

Age:17 (20,792 in teyvat time)


Titles:Creator of Teyvat, The Omnipotent and Omnipresence Creator, Father of Dragons, His Highness, and many more.

Long ago, before descenders came to Teyvat before Teyvat was even a thought, the Creator awoke. He brought light to the empty void that is now stars and the planet's.

His masterpiece Teyvat was the most unique out of all of them as he gave it the breath of life to the planet, giving birth to the elements, living creatures, Dragon's, elemental beings, and finally humans.

He gave the rule of the world to the noble Dragon's at the time as he walked among his creation. During his time, peace and prosperity surged until one day, an unknown being from beyond the void arrived with hostile intentions. To protect his creation, he left Teyvat to handle this being.

A battle broke out that shook the very heavens themselves as the Creator and the Unknown Being fought. The very stars shook and exploded from the two beings of unimaginable power the two wielded collided with one another. The Dragons and elemental beings worked together to protect Teyvat as much as they could.

After 7 days and 7 nights, the creator would deliver the fatal blow of the unknown being and seal it away in between space in time, which would later be known as the Abyss.

Unfortunately, the Creator was also fatality wounded and was soon not long for the end. In his last moments, he told his creation that one day he would return, but in another form.

As he fell into a deep slumber, his creation morned the lost of their creator but continued to do what their creator showed them, but as time went on, things changed. The Dragon's now the rulers got prideful, and humans slowly forgot the teachings of the Creator, but they built a temple that would one day be called Celestia.

Many millenia later, a descender, the Heavenly Principles, arrived and took over. It was unknown who this being of immense power came from, but she wielded power similar to the unknown being, but unlike the former, she was a worshipper of the creator.

Times passed, and Teyvat time and time again was in turmoil until the rise of the 7 Archon's. Then something happened to the Heavenly Principles as it suddenly became cold and cruel as her deep wish of the creators return was nowhere in sight. After an incident in Khaneriah, she would fall into a deep sleep.

Then, one day, a young man from earth awoke in in the forest of Mondstat.

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