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In the world of Teyvat, great changes have unfolded recently, the Ameno Archon has lost their gnosis, the Geo Archon has retired, the Raiden Shogunate has began to rethink what should the eternity be for Inazuma, and the imprisoned dendro Archon has been set free. All these events happened through the a the inheritor of the creators will known as the Traveler who is searching for their sibling.

After a shocking trail where a member of the Fatui Harbingers the very stars began to move as if the very heavens themselves where falling. Every being on the planet, especially those more attune to the world sensed it as if the very planet's was rejoicing as a prophecy was foretold.

"The Creator shall soon return to correct what was wronged"

"He shall slowly regain his memory and powers as he roams thw land"

"Several Vessels will be chosen for his desire"

"An corruption shall be purified to free those unjustly cursed."

As these words repeated all over the world of Teyvat certain individuals felt a unique energy flood into their visions as a 6 star appeared on their hands before fading away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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