chapter 1

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Kayla's pov:
It was another day another Monday to be exact I woke up and went into the bathroom.I washed my teeth and went to my closet.I put on my sweater, put some jeans on, grabbed my helmet ( yes we are driving a motorcycle) and left for work.

After ariving at work I got changed into the uniform it was a slow day
*time skip*
I have abt 20 min before closing.
I was bored untill some guy with a mullet haircut came in he was tall and obviously had some muscle.Even after 13 years I still wasn't comfortable around men so I called Staicy (the other cashier in the store) (btw the store is from the small ones not a big supermarket just to be clear).
I started to pack my bag's to leave because I only had about 3 minutes till my shift is over.
Dominik's pov:
I saw the cashiers change and I thought that I scared her. After I bought my soda I went out and saw the cashier.I ran up to her
"Hey you're the cashier from the store I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I scared you" she turned around and oh my god she was so beautiful "no you didn't scare me well not you just your looks not that you're ugly. What I'm trying to say is childhood trauma" damn of she is intimidated by me I don't wanna imagine what she's been thru "hey can I ask you out on a date you're really beautiful I promise I won't hurt you if you don't want to go"

Kayla's pov
I thought about it for a minute I never was on a date I didn't trust men but something about this guy made me trust him "yeah I would love to go on a date with you. But what's you're name"
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm Dominik"Dominik says
"I'm Kayla"I say " beautiful name. So we can go grab dinner if you want "(it's around 8pm) I thought about it for a moment then agreed we went to In-n-out we ate exchanged our numbers and called it a day


A/n soooo that was chapter 1 it is my first time writing smth I'm sorry if my gramer isoke a 1year old I'm bulgarian and in school the teachers don't teach us english we just stay o our phones so sorry and hope y'all understand ❤❤

give me time to trust - dominik mysterio x reader(female)Where stories live. Discover now