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Bojan still remembered the first time they met. How something was pulling them to each other from the moment they laid eyes on each other. He couldn't describe it nor understand the source of the force, but it was there. They didn't speak the same language, they could only communicate through gestures and smiles and laughs. Laughing at each other struggling to form words through movements, struggling to decipher each other. They struggled, not fully understanding the true meanings behind the gestures, yet they understood one another on a different level. Like the moment they shared the first laugh, their souls intertwined. It was inevitable for them to become friends.

With Käärijä's English getting better, it was easier for them to communicate. Easier for them to want to get away from the stress and pressure together. They both needed someone that can be their escape. Bojan loved his bandmates, but the minutes spent together were reminders of the competition ahead of them. Constant rehearsals, and practices. But with Käärijä, with his childish energy, and free spirit, he could be his Joker Man. And Käärijä could be just Jere. They could lose themselves in the happiness the friendship gave them. It was something they did not have to fight for, it came to them easily, like it was always meant to be handed to them.

While they were competing against one another, aiming for the same goals, trying the reach the same stars, it never tainted the pureness of their relationship. The fact of it only deepened their bond. They both understood the nature of the want, they understood the stress and anxiety that came with it. It connected them even more. They both wanted to win. Were eager to win. Bojan still remembered that small second he realised how desperately Käärijä wanted it and when he realised the feeling was the same. Realised there was a small voice in him wanting Käärijä to win. It was suppressed by his own desires quickly. So quickly he never thought it will ever return.

But it did.

Their chance sailing away with every point, and Käärijä's becoming bigger. Through the sadness and heartbreak, in the ashes of their hopes, a new one was born. A new burning want. A want to see the Finn boy's hands wrapped around the prize wanted by many. His smile would shine so brightly he would even forget his defeat. He wanted to see him perform his song again, to experience his happiness through it. Such level of happiness, he could easily feed off and get full.

The final points from the public were announced. His new hope was well-fed like a duck before its butchered. Bojan looked around and saw the same desire burn in many of the other competitors' hearts too. As if their heart synced and beat for the same outcome. It was true everyone wanted to win. But there was something else that connected the competitors. They all wanted someone to win against Loreen, no matter who would it be. She was a lovely person, and no real hate lived in anyone's heart against her. But as a past winner, her presence like a dark gloomy cloud lingered around everyone. Her presence was like a threat, and in a way, everyone was on edge because of that.

With the points of the public, Käärijä was so close to breaking the curse that was put on all of them since they announced the representatives. So close. All the contestants breathed, existed as one person, waiting to hear the words: "The winner is: Finland" .

But they were deprived of it. Bojan watched live as his friend's heart broke into million pieces. A face he never wanted to see, an expression that hurt more than his own defeat. He could see the silent tears that wished to escape from Käärijä's eyes, he felt his own heart clench at the sight of it. The unbearable urge to comfort him, bring him in a huge embrace and whisper sweet words of affirmation into his ears, washed over him. He wished to tell him how proud he was, how good he did, how in Bojan's eyes it was he who won. He wanted to run to him, grab his hand and get him away from everything and everyone, bring him to a place where they can forget whatever happened tonight.

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