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Jenna : Kim Taehyung?

Jimin nodded and said.

Jimin : Yes, he's not in Seoul right now though.

Jenna : Where do he live then? I wanna meet him badly.

I pouted.

Jimin : He lives in Daegu..

Jenna : So he never visit Seoul?

Jimin : *deep sigh* Jungkook and Taehyung don't like eachother. They always fight, whenever we had a reunion these two pick a fight but at last Jungkook apologies because of the mistake he made.

Jenna : Which mistake?

Jimin : The deal---

Suddenly Jimin's phone started ringing.
He excused himself and made me wait for 1 minute.
Ugh! Who the heck he is talking to?
Whoever it is, he must be a jerk.
After decades he came back with a concern look.

Jenna : What happened Jimin ahh?

Jimin : Seems like Jungkook is mad at us.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *inner scream*.

What the fuck!
Mr Jeon called me hours ago and he even warned me about the punishment but I forgot and spend hours with Park fucking Jimin.
He's gonna kill me.

Jenna : D-did .... he a-asked about m-me?

I shutterd.

Jimin : hahaha.. he seemed furious and asked me where you was these past hours.

Jenna : and you told him that I'm hanging out with you?

I scoffed + cried in pain.

Jimin : Yeah.. what's wrong?

Fuck you Jimin!

Jenna : Ugh! Mummaaaaaaaaa! I'm leaving bye!

I rushed towards Mr Jeon's cabin.

I knocked on the door.
My breathing was heavy.
I didn't got any response so I barged inside and saw a dangerous expression of Mr Jeon.

I didn't got any response so I barged inside and saw a dangerous expression of Mr Jeon

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Jungkook : Ms Cha Jenna, where was you?

I gulped before taking steps back till my back touched the door and Mr Jeon kept walking towards me.

Jungkook : Did you forget about me? Or did you found someone?

Jenna : S-s-s-sir.... I-I-I...

Jungkook : Shuttering?

Jenna : I'm sorry, sir.

I lowered my head, unable to speak at that moment.

Jungkook : Didn't I warned you to not to look at other men except me!? But you were a step ahead of my rules. You spended hours with Jimin when I called you at my cabin.

Jenna : It w-was all... Jimin's f-fault.

I lied.

Jungkook : Did he forced you?

I didn't replied.

Jungkook : Seems like I should call and ask him the truth you're hiding.

I diverted my gaze towards him.

Jenna : N-no... he didn't.

Jungkook : So you're saying that he didn't forced you but you disobeyed me all by yourself? Haven't you grown enough, Miss Cha?

Jenna : I'm sorry..

Jungkook : What punishment should I give you for disobeying me?

He leaned closer.

Jenna : Uh... I didn't disobeyed you... sir.

Jungkook : Hmmm.. so hanging out with other men when I called you and still you're daring to face me? Shameless brat!

Jenna : I'm sorry sir.. I won't disobey you again.


Jungkook : Good girl. Now be ready for the punishment.

Jenna : Punishment?

Jungkook : Yes.

Jenna : W-what punishment?

I gulped as my eyes widened.

Jungkook : Clean all the floors in this building.


Ugh! Mummaaaaaaaaa! I'm so beautiful but still have to do dumbass work.
Penguin! Penguin! Penguin!
Cold! Cold! Cold!
Jerk! Jerk! Jerk!
Fvck! Fvck! Fvck!

Jeon fucking Jungkook!
I hate you so much!
When I'll get rich, I'll buy this company and make you beggar.
Idiot stupid fellow.
I hate this jerk!

2 floors are finished but I still have 28 floors to clean.
Am I a maid or sweeper?
Why is he making me do such works?
I'm an employee not a sweeper.
God give him brain.
Coldass handsome penguin!
I hate him so much!

I sighed.
2 floors are finished but I still have 28 floors to clean.
༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ

Jenna : Ugh!!!!!! Enough is Enough. I need to show that Jerk that I'm not his servant.

With heavy steps I rushed towards his coldass cabin or should I say igloo?

Without knocking, I barged inside his cabin but regretted instantly because the scene infront of me caught me off guard.

Lisa was on Mr Jeon's lap.

Lisa was on Mr Jeon's lap

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Hilarious chapter, ik ..

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