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15:30 GMT. August 16

"what?!" The King,,Alex Solar, Roared and the crowd fell silent, the soldier stood up,  

"Your highness... our troops have fallen" the soldier murmered,     

"And you did nothing while thse men were getting attacked?" The queen,Mary Solar, was now gripping on to the throne tightly, her eyes narrowed at the soldier..

"If I may, your highness,the brave soldier was delivering a message to Master Chen, as I was with Master Chen at this moment of time"I bowed to the King and Queen as I spoke.

 They directed their eyes from the soldier, to me. The king looked back at the soldier and dismissed him then he turned back to me, The king sighed, "Tell Master Chen I have got his message and that his time is running out" The king said grimly"You may go now" The queen curtly said.I left before they could say anything else.

As I approached my stallion I noticed a set of footprints leading away from the castle, "Orpheus, have you seen a man recently?" I said to him, as I pulled myself upright on the horse and headed towards headquarters.

18:30 GMT. August 16

When I arrived, I sensed an aura, as if death passed by "sister" said a voice..My brother, Owen, appeared from the crowd. "Lord Dante had been lost in battle, while we were attacking the royal soldiers, come, we must mourn him, Father has set a memorial for us to remember and praise him for his bravery and loyalty, We must grieve for him, they were just about to put pennies on his mouth for the ferryman."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the large garden at the back, In the middle was a round table and a black table cloth with an intricate golden pattern on the edge's, in the middle f the table was a small painting of Lord Dante and all his close possessions around it with bright burning candles. and at the back of the garden was Lord Dante,He looked pale and cold, yet his facial expressions were at peace,I was strange, his short wavy lenth black hair, his clefted chin, his distant british accent, This man raised me to become who I am. now he's gone, and he wont come back.

"Sister, your crying" My brother frowned " you mus'nt cry, he'll be in a better place now" He wiped my tears with a napkin"Your right" I straightened my face "How is Edith?"I asked,Edith was the wife of Lord Dante, and a soon to be mother. "eating her heart out from the sound of it" sighed Owen, 

"This is horrible! Ever since they joined, the League became a catastrophe!""Will you keep it down?""No, I want to talk to them face to face" 

I turned around to see Molly Jonson and Reena Cillem heading our way "Do you need anything?" My brother asked them. Glaring at them both in turn. "yes, actually, do you know you-" Molly was cut out from Reenas loud cough "No we do not, right moll?" Molly Narrowed her eyes, "Actually Ren I think you'll find-" "Right lets go!" Reena said cautiously and dragged Molly back inside.


I turned around again to see Father Kunmi-ro, He was tall, he had long black hair that reached his back, where his abdomen should be, he had a stern face matching his personality. Tonight he had a taut expression, "Your being sent on a mission, somewhere north, I'll tell you the deatils in a more private place, You will be working wih other people too, meet me tomorrow in my office at 7Pm" And just as quick as he appeared, he left.

19:20 GMT. August 17

"This is who you'll be working with" Father pointed at me, Molly, and Lucas. We were in Father's office, a tidy study, that no one is allowed to come in, unless invited. The boy Father was talking to nodded. "Excuse me, but,... what was your name again? and How come we've never seen you here before?" Lucas asked while Molly raised an eyebrow.

"O-oh! my names Levi, Levi Solar."

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