Chapter 5- A supportive hand

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Since Leah went public about having endometriosis meant that she never had to tell me in person, so when we told me this morning she was on her period she didn't need to tell me she had endometriosis and give me a chat about what endometriosis is, instead I could be that supportive hand for her. My mum had endometriosis which meant I knew a lot of things about it, my mum taught me about how to be that supportive person and to know how to handle someone's emotions when on there period.

Now I know everyone is different on there periods but Leah did describe her periods to be exactly like my mums one night when we were having a deep conversation after a few drinks.

"I'm on my period" Leah sighed as she walked into the kitchen
"How bad is it" I turned around to face her
"Not very good"
"You want to put a hot water bottle on your tummy for a little bit before training?" I asked her
"Yeah sure" she said moving out of the seat
"Woah where you going? I'll make it for you" I smiled
"Aw thanks Alex"

"What would you like for breakfast?" I asked her after making the hot water bottle
"Don't feel like eating right now" exactly like my mum, losing her appetite when she was on her period. You couldn't force her to eat because then she would refused full stop, you would have to try later in the day to get her to eat.

"Okay how about this, I pack you some snacks to eat during the day and whenever you hungry come and find me or just go through my bag?" I smiled at her
"Okay, thank you" she smiled

I packed a few snacks in my bag plus some water and loads of pain killers...
I slipped in my jumper and some spare shorts just incase.

"You ready to go?" I asked her
"Um yeah, can I just go to the toilet?"
"Of course, don't feel rushed" i smiled

I went and sat on the arm rest of the sofa and waited

After a few minutes she came back out

"Um could you just check my shorts?" She said turning around showing the back of her shorts
Clearly worried if she leaked

"Your fine don't worry" I walked over to her
I pulled her into a hug trying to calm her down
"Calm down, your okay" i whispered
"Thank you" Leah said pulling out of the hug

Panicked and agitated, that was what she was

I'd rather be in discomfort about physical touch for a few minutes then her be panicked for most the day...

We walked out to the car, Leah made her way to the drivers side since it was her car
"I'll drive, you relax before training" I smiled
Leah nodded and got into the passenger side


"Hey can I get a snack please?" Leah asked coming up behind me as I spoke to Rafa in the changing rooms
"Of course you don't need to ask" I smiled and walked over to my bag opening it up for her and walking off

We all made our way out to training and started to train

"No Katie it's not funny!" I heard Leah shouting at Katie after she had squirted water at Leah, getting her shorts and t-shirt wet.

Discomfort, that's what she would have felt right now

I walked over and put my hand on her back
"Hey it's okay, come on let's get you changed" I whispered in her ear
"I have no spare shorts or t-shirts"
"Don't worry I do" I smiled

We got into the changing rooms and I made my way over to my bag
"When did you last have any pain killers?" I asked
"This morning"
"Can you feel any pain?"
"Yeah, I can feel the pain killers easing off"
"Here I got some spare" I chucked some pain killers to her
"Thank you"

I gave her my shorts then one of my spare training shirts
"Yeah but it's got your number on it" she questioned
"That okay, unless you don't want that, I have a spare jumper if you want that?"
"Could I have both?" She asked shyly

She went into the bathroom and changed, I laid out the jumper and waited in my cubby on my phone

She walked out and slipped on the jumper

"Thank you" she smiled slightly
"Don't worry"


"You cold?" I asked Leah as we sat in the chill room with the rest of the team
Leah nodded before she went dead still
"I need to go to the toilet" she said before rushing off
"Woah where did she run off to" Steph asked
"Just gone to the toilet" I smiled
"She's always at the toilet" Katie piped in
"Don't say anything to her Katie when she walks back in" I said sternly
Katie held her hands up and nodded

"Finally she's back from the toilet, feels like you spent most the day in there today" Katie said trying to joke about
"Katie! What did I say!" I said standing up and pointing at her as Leah walked back out of the room

"Leah?" I shouted into the changing rooms
"In the bathroom"
"Hm you really do spend your time in the bathroom" I joked
Leah looked up and gave me a death stare
"Sorry I was joking, Katie didn't mean anything bad from it, I think she was trying to ask you why but it came out wrong" I said softly
"Maybe I'm being sensitive" Leah sighed
"We all are on our lady days don't worry about it" I smiled
"Lady days?" Leah smirked looking up at me
Leah laughed, which made me smile
"Come on let's get you home"

"Could we stop of at the shop?" Leah asked
"Yeah, Tescos?"
Leah nodded

I ran into the shop and tried to get everything Leah wanted, mostly a ham sandwich

We both decided it would be easier if I went in and Leah stayed in case we bumped into any fans, we love the fans but if Leah's in pain she won't want to make a 20 minute shopping trip turn into a 40-50 minute shopping trip.

After buying everything I ran back out to the car to see people waiting to get things signed
"Hey guys, is it okay if we get going?" I asked the fans nicely
"Why" a little girl asked, not in a rude way mostly out of curiosity.
"Just Leah isn't feeling well right now, I could sign some pictures or t-shirts fast" I suggested trying to take the attention away from Leah
"Why can't Leah do that as well?"
"She's very tired so all this crowding won't help. I'm sure if your nice about it you could get something signed by me and then go over to Leah but don't stand around after please" I smiled to the fans, who nodded and lined up

Finally I got back into the car and gave Leah the shopping bag
"You okay?" I asked her knowing she doesn't deal well with loads of people at once
"Yeah thank you" she smiled softly.

We decided to watch a movie, some crime documentary

Leah moved into my arms and slowly started to fall asleep
Deciding against moving her as this has been the first time she been relaxed today
So I made the sofa my bed for tonight....

Authors Note:

Periods are things that can either be very easy to control or hard to control...
I could only imagine what it's like to be "famous" as a girl on there period
Constantly having to live up to this high standard and I think people sometimes forget that they are people after all...
I see loads of people write about having a period and make it seem easy but your always wondering if your gonna leek or something
You have to get on with life when really you just wanna stay in bed and sleep...

So I tried to make it realistic and also show emotions that girls on the periods feel, I definitely feel these emotions maybe not others.

Also I thought It was a good idea to show what it's like having to do sports of any kind on your period
It's very discomforting, constantly worrying if your gonna leek or the pain in your stomach,
so I tried to show that as well!!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!!

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