Chapter 14: The deal

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"Marc you do realise that I can't sign anywhere with out my signature, so no I won't be signing anything until my contract has expired" i said storming out of his office and driving back to my old apartment

All I've got to do is wait 2 weeks and then I'll be a free agent

Finally opening my phone for the first team since I'd arrived back in Manchester

Message for arsenal group chat 9+

Beth: "No alex! We are gonna miss you so much!! Why didn't you tell us before you left?"

Wally: " Best off luck!!"

and many more...

Message from Leah 1+

"I should have heard you out Alex. I panicked and thought the worse. I should have known better then to assume the rumours are true. I'm up in Manchester this weekend if you would like to meet then?"

It was a Friday so Leah should have been either driving up now or in a hotel somewhere

"Hey Leah,  Do you want to stay at mine for the weekend?"

" I've just arrived in Manchester, I'll make my way to yours now! Thank you Alex x"

Leah knocked on the door, I opened it and Leah pulled me straight into a hug

"I'm so sorry" Leah mumbled into my top
"It's not your fault Leah" I said pulling her closer

We sat down and I explained everything
"So basically they are using you for money" Leah questioned
"Yeah" I laughed awkwardly

I looked down at my hands and tried to control my breathing, I was upset that a club like Utd, a club that I had dreamed at playing at would do such a thing

" I just can't believe it" I whispered
" The sooner you get out off the club the better, I shouldn't have snapped at you when we were in the changing rooms... I could only imagine would you were going through" Leah said pulling me into her chest

" What if I have to move to Barca?"

"Then we will make it work" Leah smiled down at me kissing my forehead

2 weeks later:

"Welcome our new signing" the manager announced

"Alex Brown" he said as I walked out

"Hey guys" I waved to the shocked players

No one moved for a couple minutes, looking down at my hands nervously

Until I heard a chair being pulled back, I looked up to see her running towards me and jumping on me wrapping her hands around my neck and legs around my waist

"Your back" Leah mumbled into my neck

"I could have never leave you" I said kissing her neck before putting her down

"Bethyyy" I said walking up to her and pulling her into a hug

"Ay, what, I, I thought you were going to Barca" she stumbled over her words out of pure shock

"And leave my best friends behind? Not a chance" I smiled looking at the whole team, who were watching the interaction between me and Beth.

Throughout the day of training Leah couldn't keep her hands off me, which I could understand since she thought I was going to Barca.

We travelled back to the house in different cars since I had all my stuff in my car ready to be moved back in

Eventually after a long day I settled in bed and sat on my phone.

Leah walked in and sat so she was straddling my stomach, she had my jumper on.

She took my phone out of my hands and placed it to the side before leaning in and kissing me slowly

She moved my hands so they were at the bottom of the hoodie, I slowly lifted up the jumper and let me hands find her bare hips, pulling her closer to me.

She moved down to my neck as I continued to explore her exposed stomach.

After a while Leah moved back up to my lips and continued to Kiss them.

This went on for a while until we slowly broke apart, Leah looked at me with nothing but love in her eyes

She moved so she was laying on top of my body with her head buried into my neck, my hands lifted the jumper she was wearing up slightly so I could run my fingertips over the bottom of her back

"I'm so happy you here to stay" Leah mumbled into the crock of my neck

"I couldn't off left you, Leah" I admitted

We both slowly fell asleep in each others arms...

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