6| Lana

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I stayed up all night , searching up on everything he told me. He was battling with so many things and now I understood why he was a bitch sometimes. But it still didn't justify him bursting every second.

" I made you breakfast sweetheart!" Mum yelled from the living area. I dusted the imaginary dirt on my jeans and stumbled to the living area. The air was filled with the most aromatic scent ever. I quickly got a seat and reached to peck dad's cheeks and then mum's.

" I love you two so much!" I devoired my plate of scrambled eggs and toast with some juice.

" We love you too darling," my dad said as he tried to eat himself. He sighed after he failed.

" That's why I am here my love," mum's soothing voice cut the atmosphere. I smiled at her softly.

" No, you're not," he yelled.

" It's, I feel handicapped, I feel less of a human because I can't take care of you two!, it's my responsibility to take care of you, not the other way  around." He began to sob. I moved out of my chair and hugged him.

" It's alright Dad, don't get yourself worked up, it's not your fault," I sniffled, trying not to cry.

" I can't take you to college love, you work day and night,"

" I'm better off dead."

" No!, Nicolas, don't say that." Mum joined the hug. We had eachother no matter how bad it was, we had our love to keep us going.

" But it's the truth,"

" No it's not, we have an appointment today, and the new specialist will be taking new tests and we'll see. It doesn't matter the outcome, we'll work this out." Mum revealed.

" Lana, can you please go with me and your mum?" He requested. I wanted to there for them, even if I was going to be scolded for being late on my second day but my father needed me,

" Of course dad, and that specialist better be nice or I'm kicking him in the balls."

We all laughed, pushing the gloomy moment to the back of our head.

I could make it in time to make his lunch which was good. I wasn't going to be absent just busy for the morning. I'd explain it to him.

The drive to the hospital was short but from there to Mr Campbello's was like thirty minutes. I could make it, right?.

When the nurse called our last name, we helped my dad to the doctor's room.

" Good day, Mr Rhoades, take a seat, please," I turned my attention to the doctor I hadn't seen yet.

" Mr Dovell?"

" Lana." He acknowledged. The doctor was none other than Ferrell, Mr Campbello's doctor and best friend.

" You two know eachother?" My mum wiggled her brows discreetly. No way. Don't start old woman.

" Yes, he's a ur- friend." I cleared my throat. He spoke to my dad, listening to all the symptoms and when his sight gets worse. I found myself enjoying how soothing his voice was. God definitely gave him that voice because he was going to be a doctor. He spoke so softly,yet deeply and alluring you'd share all your secrets without him even trying.

After that he run some tests and now it was time for the ultimate results.

" Mr Rhoades I'm pleased to tell you that your sight has 80% chance of being restored with surgery." He smiled and nodded curtly at my mother.

" Did you hear that Lana, my love?" Dad's voice said enthusiastically.

" Yes dad, I told you it will be fine. Everything will be fine." I pecked his cheek. I caught Ferrell's gaze as he stared down at the three of us.

" Doctor, how much does," mum started.

" Consider it a gift." My jaw dropped.

" W-wajt, what?" I whispered.

" This surgery is free of charge. I mean it. It will be performed in two weeks, we'll be hospitalizing Mr Rhoades until then, and then through out the recovery process."

" Thank you so much Dr Dovell. This means so much to us. I can't thank you enough,"

" Don't worry Mrs Rhoades, it's fine."

" Please follow the nurse right out the door, she'll show you everything you need to know." He instructed.

After they had left, I turned towards him. No one had ever been this kind to me.

" Dr,-"

" Ferrell or nothing." He raised his brows, that boyish swoon worthy smile on his face.

" Ferrell, " my cheeks hurt.

" You don't know how much I appreciate this, you're,"

" Buy me grocery store salad and consider the debt paid."

I laughed.

" It's not that bad you know." I shrugged a shoulder.

" Don't you have work today?"

My smile dropped.

I checked the time on my phone.

Oh shit.

" Oh heavenly God of good luck. Thank you Ferrell , I have to get going before he rains fire on me!"

Ferrell chuckled as I shuffled out of his office.

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