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In the base, Aurora and Antonia were taking lunch together.

" Why are you so awfully quite today?" Antonia asked.

Aurora was still still thinking about Charlie. She was not feeling good about it. She can not go soft again for a boy. She can't listen to her heart again.

" Queen?"

" Yeah? You are saying something?"

" Why are you absentminded?"

" Nothing. I was just thinking if I should do online course too like you. Then I can spend more time in the group and business too."

" That's the only reason? Or you want to hide from someone?"

" Why will I hide? Do you think anything can scare me?"

" Not anything. But feelings, your heart can scare you right?"

" Don't talk rubbish Antonia. I have given you some work. Have you done it?"

Antonia chuckled seeing Aurora changing the topic but she didn't say anything more. " Yeah. I have send the warning letter. When do you want to go?"

" I think tomorrow will be good. You and me can go there. Tell Andrew to prepare a cargo for us. We will go in it so that they think it has equipment."

" Sure. Are you going back to the mansion after this?"

" No. I'll go to office. You?"

" I don't have any work for now."

" Then visit the staff quarters. Take a note if they are facing any problems or not."

" Okay." Antonia said smiling.

" Why are you smiling like that?" Aurora asked furrowing her brows.

" You have one of a kind duality I must admit. You kill those traitors brutally but take care of their family like they are your own."

" They are not the one who should suffer. That's why. I'm done. I'll go now. Make sure to check up on everyone properly."

" Yeah sure. Drive safely."

" You too." saying that Aurora went outside.

" She will get sick if she continues like this. Why is she like this? Takes care of everyone but doesn't give a damn about herself. Please God send someone who will love and take care of this girl more than anyone can ever do." Antonia mumbled seeing Auroras half finished food.


Aurora walked inside of the mansion and found her dad and Antonia talking. They also saw her. " Welcome home angel."

Aurora smiled looking at him. But she was sad inside. Her dad was going back. No one will welcome her this warmly from tomorrow. She and Antonia would live that robotic life again. Only if she knew what was going to happen from the next day.

What storm was coming towards her. She just thought their home will remain as big mansion only. Aurora loves her dad very much. From her childhood till now her dad has supported every single decision of hers. He didn't even question once about anything. When she first came into this world he let a newbie like her rule UNDOCILE all by herself.

Some will think this is pressure but she knows her dad knew her capability more than anyone else. She doesn't think anyone will blindly trust her every decision like her dad. Even Antonia sometime questions her action but her dad never did that. She will miss her dad. She wishes they were not this much busy.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now