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It feels hopeless. The soldiers are right now headed towards us in their highest speed, as Eva and I lie beneath Adam over here. With a forceful effort, we manage to turn his unconscious... I mean inactive body. Sam lies a bit behind, and soon as we have managed to waver Adam he shamefully apologizes. As if he thought this apology was not enough, he comes forth and helps us in our attempt of getting Adam back on his feet. However, this does not work. The soldiers are getting real close now, and they will catch us no matter how quick we get Adam up, no matter what we do... unless we abandon the burden. No! We are not leaving anyone behind... unless they actively threaten our safety, like MB-344013 did.

Adam soon starts helping us out, and we quickly get him up standing, we think, before he falls to the ground again. He is still holding the charger, but his hand is not glowing anymore. Eve understands before I do that the charger has broken. Now, Adam cannot spend his waiting for our capture anywhere else than on the ground, and all he can do now is really just seeing and talking. We gather around the fallen robot, and discuss which possibilities we have at the moment. Adam suggests my extraordinarily loud scream, but no one can find a way to stimulate my sensors enough for me to execute said cry. Also, I have been hit by thirty-two bullets by now, so I doubt any reaction would be enough to render harmful, and especially for 48 people at once. I am not even sure that first scream caused by Damian would be strong enough.

Suddenly, I feel how my limb move, and I do nothing else than approving it. I slowly rise from the ground, and face the human wall of soldiers that are spreading to surround us. There is no chance to save the others, but I can save myself. I do not have to lose. I start to run, and the others yell after me. Though Sam comes running after me pretty soon, but Eve starts talking to Adam. I am not sure what they say, but Eve holds Adam's hand and he nods faintly with a sorrowful face, then she runs along with me and Sam before the soldiers have come three metres close to her. Many of our human antagonists stop around ADam, while soon continue to chase us to the border. Them dividing now, when they know one of us is harmless, annoys me slightly.

Eventually, we reach the border, where the guard hides beneath his desk. Probably because he fears us and has realized guns cannot stop us, or maybe he sympathises with us and is actually hiding from the soldiers. The case firstly mentioned is more likely, however.

Once we have crossed the beam, we realize that we have reached Tibet! The factory is somewhere in south Tibet, probably somewhere in an area with a circumference of sixty kilometres with its centre approximately 120 kilometres from our current position, which is quite easy to locate. It is actually first now that I feel concerned about not knowing the exact location of the factory.

- I will not be able to walk that far, my energy is very low currently, Sam tells us.

- We are all lacking sufficient energy, but we are only losing by not proceeding, Eve says, with an optimism I prefer not to oppose.

- Our charger broke upon Adam's fall, and we have no batteries, Sam explains, and all three of us stay quiet for a while.

- I am positive there are plenty of chargers and batteries at the factory, as long as we get there fast... Eve then says, and interrupts herself in the middle of the sentence. As long as we get there, then what? Either there is nothing more to be said, or there is nothing more needed to be said. Anyhow, we do not have time to say anything else before Sam gets shot in the back by one of five soldiers who have just crossed the border in their pursuit of us. We then start to run as fast as we can, hoping that these five servicemen will turn around.

Seven minutes pass by, and then they stop running, one of them even falls on his knees, to then pass out. With sweaty foreheads and panting mouths, they carry their fallen friend back to the border, and vanish from us. Then one of them winks at us, I respond with a faint nodding, but cannot help to feel slightly confused.

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