Chapter Two: Death and Vision

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No, no. This cannot be happening I thought in my

head. The Cop told me that my husband had been

killed, apparently we had went through the left path

of the forest. I told him not to go that way.

I fell on the floor and started to bawl. My sister

came to comfort me and told me it was going to be

okay. I got up and started walking to the parlor.

My nieces came up to me and started asking me

"Where is uncle?" I replied quickly with guilt

telling them that he was sick. They looked


I was in shock.

My sister sat down with me and started to try and

cheer me up. She said "A chailín bhocht, níl sé seo

tuillte agat." She left to give me some space. I do

not remember much but then I collapsed.

I found myself on the bed with all my family around

me. I was confused. They all told me at once that I


I left on my broom without saying anything.

I was in pain and I was more in shock How could

this have happened?

I reached home and sat down.

The house was so empty and quiet and could not

hear a peep. I felt alone, Pounce could see the grief

in my face. He came up and hugged me.

The Next Day

I made myself some breakfast, I was about to call

my husband when I remembered and started crying.

I wish I did not fight with him, maybe it would have

changed everything. I felt like this was all my fault.

I just wanted to ball up into a ball and roll until I

die. The day passed quicker than expected. I went to


A few hours later...

I flashed up from my bed, I found myself cover in

sweat and the bed wet. I went to get new sheets. I

went back to sleep after a few minutes, I got up

again after probably about thirty minutes. "Its okay

I thought it was just a nightmare." Peacefully

going back to sleep I had a vision. Inside, there was

a voice saying "Kill" a billion times. I got up to get

some herbal tea.

I was scared and the house was so eerie and

frighting. After drinking hot herbal tea, I went

upstairs and went back to sleep. In my vision, again,

the voice said "Do you want your husband Cedric

back?" I nodded without a thought. It said "In order

to get him back you must kill your sister,

Primrose." I quickly replied "Wh-" It was quiet

and shouted to the Voice, but no response. It left.

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