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The sun rose along the deck of our house and I breathed in the salty sea I grew up with. It's been a long time since I and Inoyuki graduated from NRC, and I was kinda sad at first. I thought that since we were graduating, I wouldn't be able to see her anymore. When Azul and Jade surprised me sayin' that we could go visit her since she lived close, I was extremely happy.

Well, I wouldn't say she lived close, but it was a quick trip since I could swim really fast. Before we moved in together, she lived on the Queendom of Roses, so I could see her and Goldfish! He didn't appreciate it though.

Years went by before either of us even considered living together, but now? I honestly wish I thought about it sooner! Seeing Inoyuki every day was the best thing that could ever happen.

"Papa! Papa! C'mon!" I looked down to be faced by one of my sons' faces. Right! Did I mention we've got two kids? They're both so adorable!

"What's up, Rem?" Rem, the oldest of our two was already ten, but he acted more like he was six. Corry was the younger one of the two, but bein' six, he acted more like his mom. Considering things, we decided to name them after sea creatures, on my mom's word of course. Rem was named after a Remora, and Corry was named after coral. It was kinda funny that he was named after coral because coral is colorful, but Corry's hair is just as dark as Inoyuki's.

"Didn't you say we'd make Ma breakfast?" He pouted. That's right, I was in a good mood so I planned to make Yuki breakfast.

"Okay, let's go find Corry." I smiled, taking my sons' hand. Bea happily skipped along his darker turquoise hair being blown in the wind. I was definitely happy about my new life, there is so much new stuff to understand as well.

I opened the door to reveal our aesthetic home, mainly because Inoyuki insisted that it should be this way. I didn't argue, I actually really liked the outcome. But when I turned to the kitchen, my heart dropped.

"Hmm? Oh! Good morning Floyd.." Yuki yawned. Her hair was really messy and unkempt so I was guessing she just got up, and yet she was already cooking breakfast.

"Aww... Looks like Mama beat us.." Rem whined. Yuki smiled and walked over to the two of us.

"Were you planning on making Ma some breakfast, Rem? My, how sweet." She laughed. Rem smiled big and nodded, and Yuki pushed him along before looking up at me. "And you! Assuming you're in a good mood?"

"Hehe. Well, if you've forgotten, Jade and Yuu are coming over. And Herrin! That's seven people."

"Azul isn't coming?"

"Unfortunately not, he's been busy you know.."

I pouted a little, if Azul had come, then all four of us would be back together again like old times. Jade and Azul couldn't visit a lot because Azul was always busy running the restaurant and hotel in the bay. Jade has been really busy lately because he works at the gardening shop in town, plus he and Yuu are preparing for their wedding.

"Ookay.." I groaned. The girl looked at me and laughed before giving me a quick kiss.

"You're still so childish." She smiled and returned to cooking. I plopped down on the couch and Corry came barreling towards me. He jumped onto the couch and squished himself up next to me.

"Dad, when are Uncles and Harrin coming?"

"In a few minutes! Are you ready?" Yuki yelled from the kitchen. Corry hummed a response.

"Dad, can we watch Pokemon?" He asked, already reaching for the remote. I grabbed before him and switched the tv on.

"Okay. But on one condition!" I declared, Corry looked up at me and nodded, "You have to go and sneak up on Uncle Yuu and scare him."

Corry nodded just as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Yuki yelled, she rushed to the door while fixing her hair. The second she opened it, Harrin came running in and bolted up the stairs, more than likely to Bea.

"Hello! Jade, Yuu. It's nice to see you again after so long!" I watched as she greeted my brother and Minnow.

"Likewise, the last time we saw you in person was at your wedding. Apologies for not reaching out sooner." Jade laughed.

"No, it's alright! I know you're both busy! Floyd, come on and greet your brother!" Inoyuki said. I let out a huff and walked over, giving Jade one of my bone-crushing hugs.

"Oh wow! Floyd's gotten so much taller!" Yuu fawned. Jade frowned a little when he noticed, I mean I couldn't help that I was just the superior twin.

Inoyuki led them to the table and we all sat down to eat and talk as the kids played upstairs. It was nice catching up, especially since it's been months since we last spoke.

"Kinda disappointing Azul couldn't join us.." Yuu sighed, stretching his arms across the table.

"Yes I agree. But I must say, Corry has gotten big hasn't he?" Jade asked, letting out his usual chuckle.

That's how the rest of the day went, the four of us chatting away. They left later that evening and the kids were already in bed. I and Yuki sat outside and listened to the waves crash along the rocky part of the beach. It was eerily silent, but on nights like this, that's what we liked. We liked the silence as we watched the stars and listened to the ocean's music.

"Hey, Floyd.." Yuki muttered so quietly I could barely hear her.

"What's up?" I felt her head against my arm and I couldn't help but blush just a little. It still made me flustered whenever she did small things like this, even if we'd been together for so long.

"Remember when you, me, Azul, and Jade played the confession game?"

"Hmm.. Yeah, what about it?"

"You kept your promise, and I'm really glad I married you." She smiled up at me. All sounds of the ocean were drowned out as if nothing else mattered, and it didn't. I gave her a huge grin and picked her up. "Wah! Floyd!"

"I'm glad I married you too!" I laughed. Her alarmed face softened a little and gave me a hug which I quickly returned.

And that was it, this was the life I lived. Nothing I ever regretted, not even once. Sure it started off kinda boring and nothing fun going around, but after I met Yuki? Never a single dull moment because I love her, more than anything. And nothing, and I mean nothing could change the way I feel. The best part was, it wasn't just some stupid dream of mine, but reality, I know Inoyuki feels the same. She loves me because I was always there for her, and obviously because of my amazing personality. Ah, this was life...   

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