Chapter 14:Labor..💦

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Chan's pov:

It's been 9 months since i'm pregnant, my body felt so tired because my tummy is um- big lmao, Jisung would kiss them everytime he had the chance and i just blushed

He also bring me to the hospital to got me checked up every month! But today..

I was eating some snacks on the living room floor with Hannie by my side, but just than..i felt something wet under me and suddenly my stomach is hurting so much!

Oh no..i think..My water broke..I'M GOING INTO LABOR!

I was breathing heavily and Hannie noticed that

"Baby what's wrong with you!?"

"M-My water broke..!" I replied as the pain started to hurt more

The others heard what i just say and immediately brought me to the hospital and thankfully the hospital isn't far from our neighborhood. Jisung suddenly said

"Baby hang on a little longer!! We almost made it to the hospital!!" He said panicking

I just nodded because i can't talk due to the pain..gosh, it hurt so much!! I can just cried..

After 5 minutes we arrived and the nurse took me inside the labor room.

Jisung's pov:

Oh god..will Chan be okay!? Will my pups be okay!? I'm so worried about them..i can't wait peacefully on the waiting room, everyone else tried to calmed me down by saying Chan would be okay and i tried to not get panicked.. but i just can't.

After an hour the doctor came out from the room and i immediately ask him

"Doctor!? Is he okay!?"

"Yes he's fine. Congratulations for the new arrived babies! You got 2 boys and 2 girls, the first boy is an Alpha, the second boy is an Omega, the first girl is an Omega and the youngest girl is an Alpha."

I let out a relieved sigh and a happy tears, everyone else congratulate me and was excited to see the new babies

I asked the doctor if we could come in and he say yes

We came inside and saw Chan holding our babies, i smiled and sit beside him

"They're beautiful baby..just like you." I said to him

"They're beautiful like us Hannie♡ i can't believe i just gave birth succesfully for the first time ever!"

My smile slowly fades away, and let out a worried look.. 'succesfully for the first time ever'? What does he there something i didn't know..?

"Baby..what do you mean by that..?" I ask while rubbing his hand knuckles

"Oh no..d-did i say that a little too loud..?" He said nervously

" there something i didn't knew..? You can tell me anything!" I replied

The others soon sit beside Chan and he let out a heavy sigh..he than said

"My lovely Omega" //a BangHan story🌸Where stories live. Discover now