Best Friends Forever

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Music blasted in my ears while I laughed and talked with my best friend, Athena, as we mingled around meeting new merpeople. Athena was a red head with a teal tail. She had the best sense of humor and always knew the best way to cheer me up. We always knew how to cheer each other up and this party in Neverland was my attempt at making Athena feel better. We looked like the totally opposites since I had dark brown hair, tan skin and an oddly violet tail and yet we couldn't be more alike.

"He was from Qin and we're From Atlantica it would have never worked. It takes months days to even swim to him and if you hitch hike with a while it will be a few weeks. To even send a conch shell message takes forever. There are so may other fish in the sea." I said with every intention to make her smile

"Maybe your right. He was jerk any ways. And he was probably cheating on me too." Athena said confidently with a little bit of sass.

"Now lets get out there and party our fins of!" I said so excited to finally get my party on.


When we finally got home to Atlantica the two of us were still in our party mood. Until, we say the royal guards checking every oyster and anemone.

"They noticed we were gone" Athena said folding her arms then sighing the way she did when she knew we were in trouble again. "see this is why it sucks to have awesome sleepovers with you, the princess of Atlantica. Haven't you noticed when ever we have a sleepover your dad doubles the guards around the palace?"

"It isn't my fault" I said as apologetically as I could with my 'trying to be adorable' smile "and plus isn't this totally fun, sneaking past guards and stealthily getting into the palace?" I was praying that she would crack a smile and she did.

We gave each other 'the look' and we knew exactly how we were going to get in.

"The usual plan." we said in unison as we made our same diabolical smile.

I called Clementina, my older sister "Clem can you pretty please with kelp on top distract the guards near your window so we can sneak in to my room?" I said with an innocent little girl voice.

"Ugh, it is like your the big sister around here. I'll do it but it will cost you, so you better start counting your money"

Clem was so so so irritating sometimes but I gave in. It was either pay her or get in trouble again, last time he made me clean every floor in the palace. "Fine how much do you want"
I could almost her smiling through the phone "I want 50 shells by tomorrow."

"Okay fine now hurry up" I heard her scream and immediately all of the guards swam towards her. Athena and I made a quick swim for the other side of the building, where my room was and we where safe.

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