Chapter 68 - Down Time XX

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One morning in Schale, as I was busy doing menial work around the office, Chihiro texted me.

Sensei, I'm sorry, I know you're busy.

There was a security breach at Schale, so I'd like to take a look at the servers.

This is the first I'm hearing of any breaches. Was it Kotama?


The fact you think it was her concerns me.

Long story. I'll explain some time.

Anyway, I need the password for the PC. Can I come to the Schale office?

Come on in.

I am worried that it was Kotama, she's been up to no good lately. Before I could put my phone up, I noticed I got a text from Aru while responding to Chihiro.

Sensei, are you free this afternoon?

I might be, but I can make some time for you.

A-Ahem! Well, o-okay.

I have something important to discuss with you, Sensei.

Come by the Problem Solver Office this afternoon. I'll be waiting.

I'll be there.

More plans, huh? Not like it bothers me.


Not long after our conversation, Chihiro showed up and quickly got to work, her face becoming one of sheer focus as she did the security check. I got some work done while she worked.

After about a half an hour, she leaned back in the chair with a sigh.

"All done?" I ask.

"Yes. Thankfully, the security check itself didn't pose much of a challenge." The blue haired hacker says. "All I had to do was thoroughly examine the logs and clear the cache. Fortunately, I didn't find any traces of the Schale server being hacked or any malware left behind."

"Well that's good." I say, relieved.

"I AM surprised about your PC's password." She praises.

"Oh that? I was friends with a hacker once, he gave me quite a few ideas for passwords that's hard to crack." I explain.

"Hard? This would be incredibly difficult. What was the thought process behind this, anyway?" Chihiro asks, still confused.

"It's literally just 'I am the best teacher.', translated to Japanese, then converted to hexadecimal." I say.

The hacker girl stares at me, silent with wide eyes, for a long while. "...Are... Are you being serious?"

"Yeah, lemme show you." I say, walking over the the computer. "Look here, I'll type in 'I am the best teacher.', which when translated turns into '私は最高の教師です。', then when converted to hex becomes 'e7a781e381afe69c80e9ab98e381aee69599e5b8abe381a7e38199e38082'. Simple."

"That's... actually quite smart, Sensei." She praises, a tad unbelieving. "Though, why 'I am the best teacher.'?"

"It was the first thing I thought of." I say, shrugging. "Still, no problems?"

"None at all." She confirms. "And I hesitate to ask, but why were you worried about it being Kotama?"

I can't help but sigh. "It all started a few days ago when she sent me a text."

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