Chapter 4

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P/N: Pet Name

Me and Red notice that there's only one gas can. Red sighed out of annoyance, 'I guess we won't get this part done quickly.' 'It's not that much of a big deal. I'll take care of the first engine and brings back the gas can, so that you can do the second engine.', I reassure them. They nodded, 'Alright then. Try to hurry back here. The sooner that we finish Blue's tasks, the sooner that we can focus on our own jobs.'. I gave them a thumbs up, walk to the gas can and fill it up from the fuel station. I waved at them, 'I won't be very long.'. I left them in the storage and went to the escape pod.

It does need some fuel anyway. I think Yellow said something about it being very low on that, by the time we made it to Polus. How very lucky. I don't want to imagine what would've happened, if it ran out too soon in a middle of space. I shake my head, before I can think of any other scary possibilities. I fill it up with gas while humming to myself. I seriously need to confront Red about what I saw back at Skeld. It did look like that the device hurt their hand pretty badly. What it's slowly killing them? I put the gas can down with a worried look on my face. I'll talk to them about it in storage.

I suddenly heard something slithering towards me. I became confused and quickly turned around and gasps. It looks like a snake. Except it's black and it has red eyes all over it's body.
(Reference for the creature)

I backed up a bit shielding myself with the fuel can, 'S-Stay back! I have a fuel can and I'm not afraid to use it

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I backed up a bit shielding myself with the fuel can, 'S-Stay back! I have a fuel can and I'm not afraid to use it.'. It stop approaching me and lay down on the ground. Wait. It's doesn't want to hurt me? I put the can down and slowly walk up to the creature, 'You're not going to attack me?'. It looked up at me and shook it's head no. Huh. I guess it was just curious about me.

I rubbed my neck while feeling embarrassed, 'Look, I'm sorry that I threatened you with a gas can. You did kinda startled me. I wasn't expecting a....Well, whatever you are. I am on edge on what happened to some of my friends at Skeld. They were killed by Pink and Purple, who were imposters the entire time-'. I felt something rubbing my leg. I quickly looked down to see the creature rubbing it's head against me. I realized why it was doing that as I touched my face. I was crying without even knowing it. I wiped the tears away and pet it, 'I think I can convince them to let me keep you. But, before I do that, I need to give you a name.'. It suddenly got excited and slithered around me. I chuckled as I was trying to think of all the potential name for it. Then, I snap my fingers, 'I know! I'll call you P/N!'. It smiled at it's name while making a happy hissing sound.

I picked it and the gas can up and walk back to storage, 'I'm sure that everyone will like you, once they get to know you better.' 'Get to know who better?', Brown said behind me. I jumped, due to being startled and turned around. They notice P/N and stared at it out of fear, 'Y/N, why the hell are you holding a parasite?.' Oh! So that's what it is. I sighed, 'Brown, I need you to stay calm. P/N is harmless. It didn't try to attack me. But I think it imprinted me.'. They looked at me like I'm insane, 'Are you fucking serious right now!? That thing is dangerous! It may as well try to make a buffet out of all of us.' 'But if that was true, then why am I still alive in one piece!?', I yelled back at them.

They stopped and thinked about what I said. Then, they looked at me, 'I tell you what. If you can manage to prevent the parasite from killing anyone, then it can stay with you.'. 'Thank you so much, Brown! I promise that you won't regret it!', I happily hugged them. They deeply sighs, 'I better not. It going straight into the lava, if it-'. They stopped talking and looked at the entrance to the storage with a skeptical expression. I felt confused and looked at the same direction at them. We spotted Red and an Olive crewmate. That's weird. I don't remember seeing them this morning with the rest of us at the office. They looked at Red while walking, 'What the hell are you talking about? I don't see Brown and Y/N standing right there.' They bumped into us as Brown asked, 'What do you mean we're not standing right here?'. They looked at us scared and started to sweat a bit, 'O-Oh! Both of you were standing right there. Uhhh I was with one of my crewmates on this planet. We were going to mine some materials and bring it back home. But unfortunately, the parasite ambushed us and I ran away. I saw this place and came here.'. Brown gave them a skeptical look, 'Oh really? And where's your ID?'.

They quickly patted their pockets and shruged, 'Oops. I guess I don't have it.'. They nervously laughed. I looked at them concerned, 'Did you lose it, where you ran away?'. 'Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Olive has told me about it.', Red said walking up to the four of us. Brown glared at Olive, causing them to sweat and shake alot. Yeesh Brown! There's no need to scare the soul out of them! They nodded, 'Alright then. If Red believes you, then I'll trust you.'. They motioned them to follow them and walk to the office. Red and Olive follow them. But I put the gas can back into storage, before I catched up to them

Red glared at P/N for a moment, 'Where did you find that thing?'. 'It's not a thing, Red. It's a parasite. It slither up to me, after I finish filling up one of the engines with the fuel. It didn't do anything hostile to me. I already explain all of this to Brown. They said I can keep.'. Red was in disbelief. But they didn't say anything else. P/N was staring at Olive for some reason. Odd. Does it know them? Before I could asked, I heard a few people gasp. I looked up and see most of the crewmates staring at P/N out of fear. Huh. I guess I didn't pay attention that we're already in the office. Tan looked at me concerned, 'Y/N, why did you bring in a parasite?'. 'Because this one isn't hostile. It didn't harm Y/N in anyway. I said that they can keep it, if it doesn't try to kill everyone.', Brown answered for me. Yellow, White and Fortegreen are not sure about trusting an strange creature.

Glitchy slowly walk up to me, 'Does it like being petted?'. 'It definitely does. You can pet it, if Yellow is ok with you doing that.', I said happily. They looked at their parent with a begging expression. Yellow hesitantly nodded. I crouch down to Glitchy's height and they petted it. It closes it's eyes happily. Everyone became shocked. Fortegreen stuttered, 'I-It d-didn't try to bite the kid's hand off!'. 'Well duh! Brown already told you that it's harmless!', I responded with a slight annoyed tone of voice. White looked at me, 'What is it's name?.' 'P/N.', I responded. Everyone else in the room seem to slowly warm up to it. Well, except for probably Yellow, Red, Brown and Fortegreen. But at least they're giving it the benefit of doubt.


All of us are going to our respective rooms for the night. I notice that Brown and Olive are in front of my door. I became pretty confused, 'Uhhh. Do you need to talk me about something.'. Brown looked at me, 'Actually yes. I need to know if you're alright with Olive being your roommate.'. I don't them very well. But they seem like an alright person. I think P/N might be ok with them. I nodded, 'I don't mind at all.' 'You don't?', Olive said while looking shocked. I give them an ok hand gesture, 'I don't know you that well. But I feel like I should give you a chance.' Brown had a happy expression, 'Then it's settled. Oh! By the way Olive, since you don't have any tasks, you just need to write a mission report. Ok?'. They give them an ok sign. Brown sighed, 'Good. I'll see you two at the office in morning.'.

They walked away as Red was coming towards me and Olive. They looked at me, 'Y/N, I need to talk to you about something.'. 'Oh! I actually do need to talk to you about something privately.', I told them. They looked surprised, but they whispered to me, 'Meet me outside. I'll be there in a minute.'. I simply nodded and walked outside. Now, I can finally talk to Red about the device that stabbed their hand back at Skeld.

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter became a little bit longer than I expected. BUT you got to meet your parasite pet. Thanks for reading this chapter! Have a good day or night!

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