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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Jim had explained to Amelia what had happened, and her lips curl back in a snarl as she races to her cabinet, her eyes narrowed and pupils slits as her ears pin down.

"Pirates... On my ship? I'll see they all hang!" She cocks a gun, tossing it over to Delbert. "Doctor, familiar with these?"

Delbert, surprisingly, catches the weapon after fumbling with it, and stammers as he holds it between his pointer finger and thumb as if it was a bomb.

"Oh... I've seen-- well, I've read--" the gun powers up as he adjusts it in his hand and it shoots a laser blast out, blasting the globe besides Amelia.

Her eyes widen as she looks over at the now destroyed globe, her ears drooped as she blinks rapidly.

"Uh... No. No, I'm not," Delbert sheepishly admits.

"My lady, the key, if you would?"

I nod as I quickly grab the key from around my neck, tossing it to Amelia as she catches it with a grateful nod. She turns and unlocks the chest, grabbing the map and facing Delbert as she rolls her eyes at him.

While Amelia was distracted, she didn't notice Morph was admiring himself in the shiny gold reflection of the map.

I gasp when the sound of a heat torch outside the door, sparks beginning to fly from the metal of the door as they begin to melt off the lock.

"Mr. Hawkins! Defend this with your life." Amelia commands.

She tosses it to Jim, but Morph intercepts, grabbing the map in his mouth with a playful coo.

"Morph! Give me that!" Jim exclaims in alarm, grabbing the map and yanking it from his mouth.

Morph simply laughs and coos at the map.

"You're taking all day about it!" I hear Silver's voice yell, and the heat melting the lock stops.

"We need to go!" I exclaim, and Amelia uses a ray gun to blast a large hole leading to the lower area, and Delbert scrambles in after her, followed by me and Jim.

I hear a loud blast as we run, and a voice boom, "stop them!"

Jim holds my hand tightly as we round a corner following Amelia. Delbert slips but quickly regains himself, running ahead.

Delbert lets out a string of yells and 'oofs' as he leaps down a staircase.

I gasp when the crew round the corner and Amelia grabs Delbert, hurling him out of the way and slamming the vault door shut just in time, melting the lock so they can't open it.

"To the longboats, quickly!" She shouts, and I realize we made it to where the boats were stored.

Jim helps me into the boat before leaping in himself, and Delbert follows.

Amelia flips the lever down and the trap door leading out starts to open. Amelia lets out a cat yowl as she skillfully leaps into the boat and I silently urge the trap door to move quicker as anxiety fills me.

Amelia cocks a rifle and I gasp when Morph swipes the map from Jim's pocket, giggling as he holds it in his mouth.

"Morph!" I shout, stumbling and leaping down after Morph, pursuing the little menace.

"Morph, no!" He gasps when I leap after Morph, barely managing to make it to the side. "(Y/N)!"

Jim grunts as he jumps after me and I chase Morph, following closely behind us.

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