«01» in which they meet

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Hello again, or for the first time<3
I hope you enjoy this fanfic!

As always, happy shadow thoughts


My physics homework had gotten to the point where it was so incredibly boring that I resorted to watching the rain droplets on the outside of my window. I always loved the rain. The constant pitter-patter on the roof has always been soothing to me.

"Linh, I'm leaving now. I should be back in one or two hours, Okay?"

I recognized the voice of my emo twin brother instantly. I turned my wheely chair to face him. Tam's silver-dyed bangs, matching my silver tips, swept softly over his pale face. I couldn't see how he was dressed but it was clear from the styled hair that Tam was probably dressed to impress. Or impressive for Tam, at least.

"Oh, your date with Biana!" I gave him a mischievous smile before leaping to the door and thrusting it open completely.

He was wearing ripped black jeans and a MCR hoodie paired with men's platformed leather boots. Tam's ears were also littered with various silver earrings. He was dressed well compared to his normal and usual clothing choices.

"How dashing! Biana will swoon!" I gave my most dramatic attempt at a faint as he did his best to hide his flustered blush with a scowl. I love teasing my brother. It had to be one of my favorite hobbies, alongside swimming.

"Are you sure you'll be okay while I'm gone?" He asked, ignoring my playful taunting.

"Yeeeeeeees. I'm sure I'll find some way to entertain myself." I'm definitely not doing homework, that's for sure. "Run along now, Tammy. Your beautiful date will be waiting!"

Tam gave me one last glare before shutting the door to my room with a subtle click. I sighed and slumped back down on my wheely chair, pulling out my phone.


Heyy, wanna come over?
Tam just left for his date,
and I need an excuse to
not do my physics haha
2:38 pm

Yea sure! Marella is
staying with us atm tho.
So if I bring her along is
that K?
2:39 pm

Yea that's fine. I dont
really know her at all
tho. Didn't she like,
hate you last year?
2:39 pm

We're all good now. Dw
she's really nice. I'll ask
her if it's cool.
2:40 pm

I have always remembered Marella Redek to be quite short with a pixie-like frame, with intricate braids woven through her mid-length blonde hair. She has strikingly icy, large blue eyes. We have math together, but other than that I haven't really had any interactions with her.

Alr! She's cool. We'll be
there in ten
2:43 pm

See you then:)
2:44 pm



The car drove smoothly through the city streets on our way to Linh's house as Sophie drove. Despite it being a Saturday afternoon the streets weren't as busy today. Honestly, it was probably because of the dreary weather. The wind-shield wipers are working overtime. I'm glad Sophie offered for us to go to Linh's house, even if I don't know her. From what I've heard about her from school, she seems nice.

"I heard Tam and Biana are going out now," I mentioned, trying to make conversation.

Sophie didn't take her eyes off the road but gave a slightly amused smile. "Of course you found out. Yeah, they want to keep it on the low at first, though. So no gossiping, Marella."

I wasn't offended by her remark. I do love talking about the latest drama. "Fiiiiiiine."

"That's actually where Tam is right now. On a date with Bi. They're sweet together."

The car came to a stop as Sophie pulled up on the Song family driveway. Their house was very modern-looking. I wondered if a home could possibly have any more windows. Sophie and I hurried to get into the overhead cover safety of their porch.

Sophie didn't bother knocking, instead just opening the door. She must come over here a lot, then.

Linh appeared at the doorway and gave Sophie a quick hug, before turning to me with a shy smile. "Hi, I'm Linh."

The thing that drew my attention the most was her hair, long and black with ends as though they had been dipped in silver. Her smile was caring, she really is quite pretty. I smiled back. "Marella."

"Come inside, it's way too cold to stay out there! Are you guys hungry?" She shut the door and I gazed around the living room/kitchen area.

The inside of the house matched the outside, it being quite modern yet still having a homely aura. A large fireplace made soft crackles and disputed warmth to the entire room under the tv, which was surrounded by couches. On the left side of the room was the kitchen as well as a long hallway leading further into the home.

The kitchen island had various cooking ingredients sitting on top of it- flour, eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, baking soda, chocolate chips, salt, and brown sugar.

Linh led us over to the island, she seemed quite excited. "I thought we could bake some chocolate chip cookies! Baking during the rain is one of my favorite things to do."

"That'll be fun-" Sophie's phone stopped her from finishing her sentence. "Hold on. I'll be back."

She walked over to the lounge and sat down, speaking quietly into her phone. I looked at Linh. "So, what's first?"

"Uhhhh." She squinted down at the recipe she had on her phone. "Preheat the oven to 350°F."

I walked over to the oven and turned it on the right temperature just as Sophie came back from talking phone.

"Umm- I have to go. I'm sorry but Edaline needs some serious help at the veterinary clinic. Marella, do you wanna come with or do you wanna stay?"

I really don't wanna go to the clinic. Animals are cute, but admittedly really gross like 80% of the time. "I guess I'll stay if that's okay with Linh?"

Linh looked slightly relieved as she grinned. "Yeah, sure!"

"Okay. I'll come to get you when we're done, it'll probably be a while. Have fun!" Sophie hurried out the door.

"Okay." Linh sat her phone down on the island. "Now we mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, excluding the sugars."

Linh grabbed the flour and ripped it open, before scooping up 1 and a half cups using a measuring cup and dumping it into the bowl. The flour, from impact, dispersed like mist into the air, completely coating my face and clothes with the white powder.

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