«02» in which they become friends

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Flour coated Marella's face and she scoffed.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I struggled to hide my giggling with sympathy, but she did look ridiculous with all that flour covering her face.

Marella smirked. "Wowwwww. You think this is funny! I see how it is."

She slapped her hand down on the flour in the bowl abruptly, causing flour to cover me as well. I laughed playfully and dumped the rest of the bowl's contents on her head.

Marella flicked her hair at me and, as white as a ghost, she sniffled. "Flour makes me sneeze."

We collapsed onto the floor in a fit of laughter, and I helped Marella up. "C'mon, are we making these cookies or not?"

She rolled her eyes mischievously. "Alriiiiiiight. But I'm in charge of the dry ingredients, you can't be trusted."

I laughed. "Fine. Do you want- like, a cloth or something? I mean, you could just go out in the rain!"

Marella rolled her eyes again, stepping over to the sink and wiping her face with a damp cloth. "I think I'll take the cloth, but thanks for offering. I think It's a good thing this is gonna wipe off all the glittery eyeshadow Sophie forced on me earlier."

"I'm sure you look lovely regardless," I grinned light-heartedly. "Maybe I should try and redo it for you when we're done?"

Marella smiled in return. "If you can catch me."

I mixed the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and once Marella was done doing hers, we combined them and added the chocolate chips. Then, we began putting the dough on baking trays.

"Sooooo, um... tell me about yourself. I mean we don't really know each other."

"Oh, right." I never know what to say when people ask me this. I don't normally like talking about myself that much. "What do you wanna know?"

"Well, I don't know." Marella shrugged. "My name is Marella Redek. I don't like many people, because not many people are very interesting. So consider yourself lucky. What I do like, is gossip. Although that doesn't mean I can't keep a secret. I hate everything that sparkles, and nicknames. My favorite colors are red, orange, and blue."

She stated everything as though she had practiced it from a script, and I tried my best to do the same. "Nice to formally meet you, Marella Redek. I'm Linh. Linh Song. I try to be kind to everyone because everyone deserves a little kindness. I love the rain, animals, and the colors blue, and purple. I don't hate anything." Once we were done with the dough, I slipped the two trays into the oven and set a timer on my phone for ten minutes.

"But the rain is so- dull. And sad." Her brow furrowed as if she was confused.

"It makes me feel safe," I replied.

I heard a small meow just as I saw a petite multicolored fluff enter the kitchen.

"Aww, hello Princess!" I picked up the purring cat into my arms.

Marella cautiously came over and started petting her. "Princess? Why Princess?"

"Because she's my princess." I put Princess back down because she doesn't like to be smothered.


A thunderous crack sounded outside, causing the cat to dart back down the hallway as well as enveloping us into total darkness.


Linh made a high-pitched squeal in fright. A lightning strike fractured the sky, illuminating the entire room for a split second with a frightening flash.

I tried to reassure her. "Relax. The power went out because of the weather. I know you like the rain, but do you like storms?"

"N-not as much, no." As she said it, the power turned back on as quickly as it turned off. She sighed with relief. "I hope Tam is okay."

The timer went off on Linh's phone and she did a small jump. I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her and she opened the oven, releasing the wonderful smell of freshly baked cookies upon the kitchen. She took out the trays and placed them on the marble bench top to cool.

"Would you like a house tour while we wait?" Linh asked me, her eyes bright.

I agreed and she showed me the entirety of her house, except her parents and brother's bedroom. Now that I think about it, her house is really big, three floors. I've counted at least fifteen rooms so far, including seven bedrooms, four bathrooms, another lounge room and kitchen as well as a 'showcase' room. I'm assuming Linh's parents are pretty vain.

Lastly, she showed me her room. In the center is a large bed with a large glass door to the right leading out to a small balcony. Next to that is a desk with what I'm assuming is homework on it. To the left are a humongous bookshelf and two doors leading to her very own bathroom and walk-in wardrobe.

"Woah. You have a really nice house."

"Thanks." Linh walked into the bathroom, pulling out some makeup from one of the drawers, holding it up, and smiling.

"Oh, no no no-" I backed away but she ran over and dragged me to her bed and made me sit down. Great, I was being forced into wearing make-up for the second time that day. Not that I was objecting, that is.

As she completed my foundation, I noticed her silvery blue eyes that matched her hair beautifully. When she turned and the light shined in them, they glimmered. Maybe I do like sparkly things sometimes.

Linh pulled out an eyeshadow pallet and opened it so I could see. "Eyeshad-"

A sudden bang came from downstairs along with a yell, causing Linh to gasp.

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