«04» in which they are interrupted

41 1 3


I don't like many people, and many people know that. But when someone is interesting- they spark curiosity inside you. That's what I look for, a spark. They make you want to be their friend, spend time with them, whatever it is. But if someone is more than just interesting, not a spark but rather an ignition, does that mean that person is more than just a friend?

I'm not sure.

When I woke up, I was surprised not to hear the constant pitter-patter of the rain like I had heard yesterday. I stared out the window in sheer surprise, not seeing a single raindrop trickling down it whatsoever. Although, the sun was still nowhere to be found in the grey, cloudy sky.

Somehow, the first person on my mind when I awoke was the last person on my mind when I went to sleep last night. I pulled out my phone, tapping on messenger and then again on Linh's name.

Active 6 mins ago

Good morning!!
The rain cleared up
Yeah I saw
My swim practice is
still cancelled tho :(
I guess my instructor
didn't wanna get wet
                                        Do you wanna meet up
today then??
                                        Soph will come as well,
                                      since im staying at hers
Yeah okay!
When and where?
Hold on I still have to
ask Soph

(Dude first person is too hard to write enjoy the third person from here on out, soz)

Marella rolled over on her mattress to face where Sophie was lightly sleeping on her own bed. "Sophie!! Wake up. Come on, it's time to get up."

The blonde girl groaned, picking up a cushion and tossing it at Marella, which she easily dodged. Sophie groggily looked up, her long hair frizzy and sticking up from all directions. "What's the time?"

"Nearly 8am," Marella responded, gazing at the text notification popping up on her phone screen.

1 new message from Linh

Marella turned her attention back to where Sophie was sleepily rubbing her eyes and stretching her limbs, sprawled out on the bed. "Do you think we could meet up with Linh today?"

Sophie got up and walked to the mirror on her dresser, starting to a raking a brush through her hair. "We can't. Linh can't."

"What?" Marella asked, her heart dropped with the reply. Despite only becoming friends with Linh yesterday, the dark haired girl seemed to have a lot of charm about her. Marella liked charm. "Why not? The rain did clear up."

"She has swim practice today. Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays," Sophie smiled brightly into the mirror as she finished tying her hair into a pony tail. "You two seemed to have bonded then. You know, I couldn't get to sleep last night with all your fucking talking."

Marella stared down at Linh's name on her illuminated phone screen. Did we? Is it normal to want to spend time with someone this much, especially only having known for literally less than a day?

Eh, its fine.

"I guess," Marella simply responded with a laugh. "Sorry about that. And by the way, Linh told me that her swim practice got cancelled today anyway. So she's free."

"Oh, alright then. How about 9:30? At that cafe across from Foxfire?" Sophie offered, turning back to her mirror. She squinted at herself before beginning to press some light makeup onto her face.

Marella tapped into her phone again, navigating to the messenger app. She nodded up at Sophie, smiling slightly. "Alright. I'll tell Linh..."

Her words trailed off into silence as she looked down at her phone, eyes fixed on one thing.

"That's pretty," Sophie commented, glancing down at Marella's phone as she applied mascara to her blonde lashes. Linh had sent Marella a photo of her. It was simple, a selfie in the bathroom mirror with Linh smiling brightly. She was wearing a singlet, and long flannel pyjama bottoms.

Marella nodded slowly, still looking down at the photo. She pressed down on the photo, saving it.


How does 9:30 sound?
At that cafe everyone
always goes to after

Sounds good :)

Marella absentmindedly smiled down at her phone, staring at the little :) Linh had written. Suddenly, she was thwacked in the head with some flying projectile.

"God, you're making me feel like you love Linh more than me," Sophie sighed, slumping down next to Marella with a small grin. Sophie picked up the hairbrush she had tossed at Marella and pressed it into the girl's hands, taking the phone away from her. "We have half an hour to get ready, and drive as well. No more phone until we're out the door."


Marella and Sophie arrived at the cafe at exactly 9:39pm; primarily due to the fact that Marella had taken too long to choose and outfit, and for some reason Sophie couldn't find a god damn parking spot.

"Sorry, Marella over here took too long to get ready," Sophie apologised to Linh as they located her sitting in one of the wooden tables just outside the small building.

Linh was smiling brightly nevertheless, and expression that Marella couldn't help but smile looking at as well. Marella scoffed at Sophie, however saying nothing as she slumped down in the chair next to Linh.

"So, I've already ord—" Linh's voice was swallowed by a melody playing repeatedly in her pocket, and she quickly excused herself to take the call.

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