𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 4

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[ Ep4...TGIF]








[ Cynthia's PoV ]

Well, this is awkward. Quick recap again. Kitty moved dorms because Min Ho told on her and now she lives with a roommate that leaves food and garbage everywhere and games 24/7 on a live stream.

I pity her a lot.

Now Q and I were watching some zombie show while Kitty was bored out of her mind.

Kitty : You know who you should be watching this with? Florian. You guys are vibing! 

Q gave us a shy smile. Aww, he's in love~

Q : I don't know. I mean, I've been with plenty of guys before... but I've never liked anyone this much. It's making me nervous.

Bro is so in love. Well this talk is making me a little weird. I've never had a crush before. I've seen people holding hands, kissing, hugging. I wonder how it would feel to like someone that way...

Kitty : Cynthia!

Cynthia : Huh?

I snapped out of my trance,

Kitty : I've been calling for you like 5 times! What's on your mind?

Q : Yea tell us girl.

Cynthia : I just realized that I have never had a crush on anyone before!

Q and Kitty looked at me with the utmost shock faces.

Q and Kitty : WHAT?!

I quickly shushed them as people were looking our way.

Kitty : You've never liked someone before?

I just smiled awkwardly and nodded.

Q : I guess because mostly guys come up to you and confess.

Q stated the worse thing to bring up right now.

Kitty : Guys has confessed to you before?

Cynthia : Yea.. just a few.. like um...

I slowly trailed off. I'm not telling her that Dae confessed to me once before I found out that he had a girlfriend.

Q : Like Dae?

Kitty's head shot up at looked at Q before looking at me.

Kitty : Dae confessed to you..?

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