005 | hey, miss scientist 🔞

389 4 1

UnderCover!Sans x Female!Reader

I figured I'd make one of my sons, Alastor (NOT from Hazbin, I cannot clear this enough 💀); he's an AU of mine along with his brother Papyrus, who goes by the name Calleus. If you want more information on the two of them, go to my art Tiktok! It's @kyofloats

Disclaimer: NSFW, Dominance and Submission, Heated Passion, Fingering In The Car, Spanking, Spanking W/ A Belt, Creampie, Degrading, Restraint W/ A Belt, He's Your Boss Apparently, Master Kink, He's a Red Flag, Sorry not Sorry

Enjoy, My Beloveds

The atmosphere smelled of alcohol and cinnamon as you sat down on a bar stool, occupied with your thoughts. Despite being at a bar, the place was fairly silent today.

The ice cubes inside the glass full of alcohol you were holding clinked together as someone silently sat a couple barstools away from you, his loose, white-colored button-down shirt stained with what seemed to be blood. It was a skeleton.

His long, crimson hair swayed as he turned his head to look at you. "quiet day, huh?"

"It appears so." You nodded briefly, your eyes staring at the ice cubes inside your drink. "What brings you here to this small bar? You look like you just came out of, ah, well, a bloodbath."

"my job keeps me busy." He took a sip from the glass he was holding, seemingly indifferent or perhaps used to all the bloodshed. "what about you? you look like you can handle yourself well."

"I'm flattered you think so. I'm a scientist who specializes in dangerous chemicals." You took a shot of your drink, and your lipstick left a stain on the glass right after. "Toxins, venom, poison."

He sat up straight, raising a bonebrow at you as he sipped from his glass once more. ". . . have you had experience with combat before?"

You closed your eyes for a brief second, seeing how tired you were from staying up late last night working. What a great conversation starter! "No, I have zero combat experience."

"i see." He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the countertop. He paused for a few moments, seeming to think of what to say next, before speaking once more. "do you have any skills or abilities that would be useful in a combat situation?"

Your gaze wandered up to his face, observing his expression. The fact that he asked that left me intrigued, that's for sure.

"Interesting question." You tilted your head slightly to the side. "I'd say I can provide assistance to anyone, especially with my knowledge of toxic chemicals."

The skeleton hummed, seemingly pleased with your answer. "interesting. in that case, how would you handle a group of armed enemies with intent to harm you? you have no combat experience, but you do have knowledge of toxic chemicals. how exactly would you get out of such a dangerous situation?"

"Hmm. Maybe I can create something in order to help myself in that situation." You pondered, your lips pouting slightly at the question. "Toxic gas, perhaps? I can certainly construct an item that can emit a cloud of toxic gas. If any enemies even dare to inhale the poison, well," you let out a small chuckle. "They're breathing their last breath good-bye, then."

"not a bad idea." He took another sip from his drink before continuing. "as you said just now, you have no combat experience, so let's take a different scenario. say, you were forced to fight hand-to-hand, or at the very least, without the use of any equipment. how would you handle yourself in that scenario?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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