A sister's protectiveness.

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Huaisang: ...Before you guys do that could you atleast tell us?!
Jingyi: Hehe sorry Sang-ge!
Huaisang: sigh* it’s fine
Yu Ziyuan: How is it night time already..?
Ruohan: No wonder I feel so tired!
Qiren: You always feel tired.
Ruohan: humph!
Jingyi: I’m going to bed bye.
Wei Ying: Eh? Ok then. Night Jingyi. Anyways whoever is tired and wants to go sleep raise your hand, the rest will stay here and can continue asking questions.
The one’s who raised their Hands was Ruohan, Mingjue, The 2 Lan Qiren’s, Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Fengmian, Xiao Xingchen, Xue Yang and A-Jing.
Wei Ying: Ok then you guys can go sleep then.
They said good night and left to go sleep. The remaining one’s we’re the Lan Siblings, Jin siblings, Xianli, The 2 wei ying’s, lan zhan’s, xichen’s, jiang cheng’s, huaisang’s, wen qing’s, wen ning’s, yanli’s, zixuan’s, Hua Cheng, Xie lian, Qingxuan, He Xuan, Pei Ming, Qi Ying, Yin yu, Wudu, Banyue, Feng Xin, Mu Qing and Qi rong. Huaisang wanted to go with Jingyi but decided to let him rest first since he was planning something very evil.
Wanyin: So does anyone have any questions?
Jiang Cheng: You said mum and dad died but they weren’t killed by Wei ying right?
Wanyin: Yes why?
Jiang Yanli: then who killed them...?
Yanli: it was Wen Chao and the other Wen’s.
Jiang Cheng: The Wen’s killed our whole clan?! For what reason!
Wei Ying: Power and revenge.
Jiang Cheng And Jiang Yanli: ...
Jiang Yanli: Revenge for what A-xian?
Wei Ying: ...It’s my fau-
Wanyin: Nope. Stop right there.
Wei Ying: Jiang Cheng..You know it’s the truth.
Wanyin: I used to blame you but not anymore so shut it and let me explain.
Jiang Yanli: Was it really A-xian’s fault? I know he wouldn’t do anything without reason.
Wanyin: ...Sigh* I used to blame him back then because I was blind.. but it wasn’t his fault. He was trying to save us and he did. But instead he and Wangji got hurt in the process. He helped Peacock and Wangji fight off some Wen’s cause they wanted to use a girl as bait to lure out the tortoise of destruction. I think the girl’s name was mian mian from jin sect. Well she use to be.
Jin Zixuan: Mian mian? As in Luo Qingyang?
Zixuan: Yup. The Wen’s said whoever helped her would be killed, no one wanted to help her. Instead they were fighting to bring her to that damn Wen Chao. At that time she saw me and Wangji standing side by side so she rushed towards us. I knew he would protect her and I wasn’t planning on moving either. So we started a battle there in a cave with no weapons.
Lan Xichen: No weapons?
Zixuan: Yeah they took all of our swords away. This was after the sunshot campaige by the way. The wen’s ordered each sect to bring disciples. And we had no choice but to go.
Wanyin: Still, Wangji and Wei Ying is the one who killed it but Wen Chao said he did. When the others and I got out of the cave we were immediately attacked by Wen’s. We ran separate ways and we all managed to escape. After 7 days we finally managed to get those 2 out of the cave. But a few days later we got a visit from Wang lingjiao. She came and took our 6th shidi because apparently its an offense to shoot a kite with a logo that looks like a sun. She also came cause Wen Chao wanted revenge on Wei Ying for holding a sword to his neck. A-Niang whipped Wei Ying a few times then stopped, I couldn't bare seeing him like that hut they wouldn't let me help him..
Wei Ying: That shit always hurt likes crazy.
Wanyin: sigh* Yeah. Anyways, continuing. A-Niang whipped him a few times then stopped but Wang Lingjiao didn’t. Instead she asked if that’s all A-niang was going to do to “discipline” him. A-Niang asked what more she wants and she said “Wen gong-zi is being generous so all he asks is that you cut off his left hand”.
Jiang Yanli, Banyue, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian: She said WHAT?!
Wei Ying: die, ba, jie, shijie pls calm down.. See I still have both arms!
Wanyin: .. Jie calm down..
Jiang Yanli, Hua Cheng, Xie Lian and Banyue: Fine..
Wanyin: Ok.. So she said that. And When I looked at A-Niang it looked like she was actually thinking of doing it- BUT SHE DIDN’T! Wang lingjiao said something about offices and putting one in Yunmeng. When mum heard this she slapped Wang lingjiao 2 times and almost killed her until Wen Zhuliao saved her. She set off the Wen Signal and that’s how the Wen’s killed all of the Jiang disciples including A-Niang and A-die.
Jiang Yanli: So their also ghost?
Yanli: Yeah!
Jiang Yanli: ok.. atleast their still here. But right now I want to slap that girl.
Hua Cheng: That can actually happen.
Jiang Yanli: ??? What do you mean?
Hua Cheng: How badly do you want to beat her up little Yanli?
Jiang Yanli: Very badly.
Jiang Cheng: ...Wei Ying..
Wei Wuxian: ...Yes..?
Jiang Cheng: I’m getting scared of jie..
Wei Wuxian: Same here..
Hua Cheng: Banyue? You want to help her?
Banyue: Yes A-die.
Hua Cheng: Ok then. Let the show begin.
Hua Cheng snapped his fingers and a puff of smoke came in the middle of the room. Once the smoked cleared a few of them was shocked to see that Wen Chao and Wang lingjiao were there.
Wang lingjiao: ??? Ain’t I supposed to be dead?
Wen Chao: Where the hell am I?!
Wei Ying: Hello again~
Wei Ying: After what you guys did to me, everyone and my daughter? No. It’s never enough. And besides I’m not the one who brought you here and I’m not the one who wants to see you. It’s the two ladies behind you who wants to see you.
They both turned around and saw Yanli and Banyue. Both of them had a killing aura around them.
Wei Ying: Meet my Sisters. Jiang Yanli and Hua Banyue. They both want to kill you again so good luck.
Lan Meiqing: Can I join?
Shizhui: Me to.
Wei Ying: ...The two most respected and mature ones… sigh* fine go ahead.
Wen Chao: Who the hell are you two now?!
Shizhui: Oh you don’t remember us? You really don’t remember us cousin?
Wen Chao: Why are you calling me cousin!? You’re a lan!
Shizhui: I’m a Wen, Lan and Wei.
Lan Meiqing: Same goes for me, but I’m not your cousin.
Wang lingjiao: Then who the hell are you?!
Lan Meiqing: Your daughter who you abused for fun then kicked out when I was half dead. If it wasn’t for baba rescuing me I would be dead right now.
Wang lingjiao and Wen Chao: Your our daughter!?
Lan Meiqing: Not anymore bitch. Gugu can we go outside so we don’t dirty the floors with blood?
Jiang Yanli: Of course dear. And for now y’all call me Li-jiejie pls.
Shizhui and Meiqing: ok!
The kids: Alright...
They all watch little Yanli, Shizhui, Meiqing and Banyue drag them out.
Wei Wenqing: ...I think we all know what we should never do right..?
Lan Qinghe: Get Meiqing-jie and Shizhui-ge angry? Yeah definitely don’t do that.
The others: Agreed.
Jin ling: Heh! You all haven’t seen A-shi get angry. That was nothing..
Lan Qinghe: What do you mean Ling-ge?
Jin ling: You should have seen her when she was 7
Lan Yanli: What happened when she was 7?
Jin ling: ...I’ll ask A-shi for permission first. If she agrees then we’ll show you all from the beginning since she was 3.
Wei Wenqing: ok?
Wei Chengsang: But where did she learn to cuss!?
Jin ling: Did you forget who she spends the most time with?
Wei Chengsang: oh right- she learned from you.
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian: Jie/Shijie! Why are you so scary!?
Yanli: Hehe sorry.. I guess.
Hua Cheng: I have more people who you can beat up.
Wei Ying: First who are you talking to die? Second why do you want my kids to beat people up..?
Hua Cheng: Oh I wasn’t talking to your kids A-xian. I was talking to Jin ling
Jin ling: ??? Who would I want to beat up?
Hua Cheng once again snapped his fingers and Jin guangshan was the next to appear. Jin ling sat up when he saw his grandfather.
Zixuan: Cough* cough* Have Fun A-ling.
Jin ling smirked when he heard this.
Jin ling: Why Hello Grandfather~
Jin guangshan: ??? I’m supposed to be dead right?
Jin ling: Oh don’t worry. I’m going to kill you a second time.
Jin guangshan: ??? Wha-
Jin ling kicked and punched him then dragged him to a corner and slowly started craving words on his back like “Murderer” “Man-whore” “cheather” and other stuff. Everyone from the past watched with pure shocked on their faces but with a hint of proudness to. While the others all watch in amusement as Jin guangshan kept screaming.
Jin guangshan: AHHH JIN RULAN STOP IT!
Jin ling: Hm hm hm~
While Jin ling was torturing Jin guangshan. Shizhui and Meiqing came back head to toe covered in blood.
Shizhui and Meiqing: What going on we heard someone yell Jin ling’s name.
Wei Ying: Hehe...look over there. And wow you didn’t have mercy did you?
Meiqing and Shizhui: We didn’t. They smiled while saying this.
Shizhui and Meiqing looked to where their baba was pointing and was speechless at the sight. If a normal person saw this they would be frightened to death and even put Jin Lin off as psychotic. Jin ling was slashing and writing foul words on Jin guangshan’s back and chest!
Wei Ying: A-Yuan I think you should stop him, tell him he can play with Jin guangshan tomorrow.
Shizhui nodded and went towards Jin ling. By now Jin ling was also covered in blood cause of the slashing when Shizhui finally calmed him down they said “good night” to everyone and went to their room.
Wei Ying: Ok- A-die no. Don’t give anymore kids people to torture…
Hua Cheng: I was planning on giving Huaisang but ok.
Huaisang: Give me who? Guangyao?
Hua Cheng: Yup.
Huaisang: How bout tomorrow?
Hua Cheng: Sure.
Tgcf: ...
Xie Lian: San lang..
Hua Cheng: Hehe
Wei Ying: Let’s go to sleep and continue this tomorrow.
Wanyin: Like your going to sleep. Wangji isn’t going to let you!
Wei Ying: Neither is Xichen-ge!
Wanyin: You-! Ugh! Anyways, Has Jie and Banyue came back yet?
Banyue: We’re back now~
Banyue and Yanli dragged in two bodies  and tied them up in a corner so they can continue the next day.
Hua Cheng: Had fun?
Banyue: Yes a-die! Heh
Hua Cheng: Haha good girl!
Hua Cheng patted her head and carried her on his shoulder since she was a small size.
Banyue: yayy!
Lan Wangji: Banyue?
Banyue: Hm? Yes?
Lan Wangji: If you don’t mind me asking how old are you?
Wei Wuxian: Lan Zhan did you forget that you should never ask a girl her age?!
Banyue was a little bit shocked but then smiled abit and said: Haha it's ok A-Xian. And how old do you think I am wangji?
Lan Wangji: ...15?
Banyue: Haha no. I’m over 200 years old.
Lan Wangji: oh..oh ok.
Jin Zixuan: Wow how do you look so young when your over 200 years old?
Banyue: Well what wangji-ge said wasn’t entirely wrong. I am still 15.
Everyone: ???
Lan Qiren: You stopped aging at 15?
Banyue sighed then said: No, I died when I was 15 and became a wrath ghost.
Wen Qing: So your also a ghost?
Hua Cheng: Yes but no. We may look alive but we don’t have a heart beat or a bloodflow.
Jin Zixuan: Isn't that the same as a ghost-?
Hua Cheng: It's abit different.
Wen Ning: Oh~
Wei Ying: Ok that’s it for today lets go and sleep now!
Wanyin: Alright alright we’re going jeez.
Huaisang: “I’ll go up and see A-yi then come back down and get the thing so it wont look to suspicious, I don’t need wanyin questioning me oof”.

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