Past meets future

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Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli widened their eyes when they heard their parents are dead in the future.
Jiang Yanli: What...
Wei wuxian: Madam Yu and Uncle Jiang dies..?!
Wei Ying: Yup and not only that, Our dear shidi over here wanted revenge so badly he didn’t listen to me and ran all the way over here after we escaped and guess what happened. This idiot los-ACK!
Wanyin: Can you shut up already? Most things weren’t even done by you what are you going on about?
Wei Ying: aiyah…Jiang cheng that hurts.. and also that’s not what you said when you decided to throw me of the cliff!
Wanyin: You jumped.
Wei Ying: You pushed.
Huaisang: The both of you enough. Your very noisy you know? I can hear y’all all the way from the pier.
Wei Ying: A-sang! He’s bullying me!
Huaisang: Well you shouldn’t randomly come in here and talk nonsense.
Wanyin: Yeah he’s right dumbass now quiet if you don’t want another hit.
Jingyi shot his eyes open when he finally heard his lovers voice. And Lan Yanli also sat up.
Jin ling: 3…2…
Past people:???
Jin ling: 1. Boom.
Jingyi and Lan Yanli: SANG-GE/JIUJIU!!
Huaisang: Hm? Oh H- oof cough* cough* A-yi why the sudden rush to pounce on me..? I wasn’t even gone that long..
Wanyin: And here I thought you’d want to see me. Hello A-li.
Jingyi: Yeah yeah I miss you to baba.
Wanyin: You don’t even sound genuine.
Jingyi: Believe what you want ba I wanted to see sang-ge more. Oh Hi Uncle Ning.
A-Ning: Hi Jingyi.
Wen Ning went towards Shizhui and Jin ling told them a “Hi” and decided to sit with them and not disturb their past self. Everyone from the past was shocked to see a fierce corps walking around on it’s on and playing with chains that we’re chained to himself. The most shocked was Wen Qing and Wen Ning.
Meanwhile Huaisang and Jingyi we’re whispering in the background and no one was paying attention. No one expect little Huaisang.
Jingyi: Why’d you take so long to come, I was very bored.
Huaisang: Haha you didn’t talk to little me?
Jingyi: Eh I didn’t think about that, tbh I think little sang-ge looked abit lonely.
Huaisang: oof, well since I’m here now you won’t be entirely bored.
Jingyi: Eh..haha… Yeah heh
Huaisang: Where is your mind wandering off to? But I mean if you want to the-
Jingyi: Excuse you! No! Well.. not now!
Huaisang: Oh? Oh ok then~
Jingyi: I’m just gonna keep quiet before I get worse then tonight.
Huaisang: Oh so you want to do it tonight?  I mean sure why not.
Jingyi: Tease me again and I’ll sleep with baba and A-die.
Huaisang: Hahaha okok sorry hon
Jingyi: You still haven’t answerd my question on why you we’re late.
Huaisang: Well that you would have to ask your parents and Uncle’s. I was waiting but they we’re late.
Jingyi: I suddenly don’t want to know anymore..
Huaisang: Heh ok~
Huaisang kissed Jingyi and little Huaisang was struck speechless, Huaisang saw Little Huaisang staring and broke the kiss then just smiled at him as if saying “Keep quiet or else we’ll be caught”
Lan Qiren: So are you guys going to continue to explain to us or are we going to stay clueless?
Lan Huan: Uncle.. We’ll explain, we’ll explain
By now everyone sat in a huge circle.
Wei Ying: First we’ll reintroduce ourselves. Btw there’s more people coming they just haven’t arrived yet. Anyways. I’m Wei Wuxian, Son of Hua Cheng and Xie lian. I’m 35 years old but stopped aging at 17. I have 5 siblings I’m the second oldest. I’m married to Lan Zhan. I have 8 children and not one of them is normal. I died once. I am famous for murdering people with nothing but a flute.
Wanyin: You mean famous for bringing the dead back with just a flute?
Wei Ying: Yeah.
Everyone from the past: ...
Huaisang: Facepalmed* Idiots. Anyways. My name is Nie Huaisang. I am 35 year old but stopped aging at 17. My brother was Nie Mingjue. He was murdered by Jin guangyao when I found out I got revenge. I took care of xuanli for 7 years. And I’m sworn brother’s with these two idiots. “Points to Wanyin and Wei Ying Strangling each other.” I have 4 children but if plus xuanli then 5.
Wanyin: Who you callin an idiot?
Huaisang: You who else?
Nie Huaisang: Aren’t you scared he may hit you..?
Huaisang: Oh don’t worry little me, he won’t.
Wanyin: Ish! My name Is Jiang Wanyin. I am 34 years old but stopped aging at 17. My whole clan died because of this idiot who just had to save his husband a million times. I am married to Lan Huan, I have two very annoying kids and I’m sworn brother’s with these two imbeciles.
Lan Zhan: Gusu Lan, Lan wangji. 36 years old, stopped aging at 19. Married to Wei ying, has 8 children.
Lan Huan: Gusu Lan, Lan xichen. 38 years old. Married to Wanyin, has 2 children. 19
Lan Qiren: Gusu Lan, Lan Qiren, 56 years old.
A-Ning: Former Clan Qishan Wen. Current Clan Yilling, Wen Qionglin. Stopped aging at 17. Was killed by Jin disciples. Now known as Ghost General.
The people from the past didn’t know what to say because their minds we’re all blank.
Jiang Cheng: Wait- The whole clan died?!
Wanyin: Yes little me. But it wasn’t A-xian’s fault so don’t listen to him babble.
Wei ying: But-
Wanyin: Shut it.
Huaisang: Ignore them. Anyways any questions?
Lan Xichen: Mn I have one.
Huaisang: Go ahead and ask then.
Lan Xichen: Well everyone said who their married to and that they have kids. But you said you had 4 kids but didn’t say who your lover is so I’m curious to who it is.
Huaisang: Why don’t you try to guess? Once you do tell me.
Nie Huaisang: …. “thinking to himself” *Why is big me wanting us to guess...who it is when he knows I saw huhuhu*
Lan Huan: Huaisang..Why can’t you just tell them?
Huaisang: Cause it’s more fun xichen-gege. Am I right kids?
Siblings: Yeah haha.
Lan Zhan: Anymore questions?
Huaisang: How come Wei-xiong’s parent’s names are different?
Wei ying: cough* cough* You’ll know later.
Huaisang: ok?
Jiang Yanli: If I remember correctly Zixuan dies looking for A-xian and I die protecting A-xian.. Then how does A-xian die?
Wei ying: ...Who wants to explain this cause I surely don’t want to remember.
Zixuan: We’ll explain how we died again just abit more detailed this time.
Everyone turned to the door and saw Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Nie Mingjue and Wen Ruohan. The people who weren’t from the pass we’re happy to see them but the people from the past we’re slightly shocked.
Huaisang: Wait didn’t you say they died and why is Wen ruohan there?!
A-Qing: Yes we are dead. We’re ghost. And don’t worry about him.
Lan Qiren: Are you trying to joke with us right now?!
Yanli: Master Qiren we really aren’t joking. Because of A-xian’s dad we managed to stay here as ghosts. Everyone else who died is also here.
Lan Qiren: Wei Wuxian’s dad is Wei Changze? His dead so what do you mean
lady Jiang.
Yanli: No no. Wei changze and changse sanran is his adoptive parents. You’ll meet his real parents later.
Zixuan: Let’s continue. Everything that Xuanli said was true. Meng Yao used Wen Ning to kill me and framed both Wei Ying and him. You all are probably wondering why I went to find Wei Ying. That’s because 1. Yanli told me to. And 2. Meng Yao lied to me that Wei Ying attacked people.
Yanli: A fierce corps that was supposed to be Under A-xian’s control attacked me. But A-xian wasn’t controlling it, Someone else also controlled the fierce corps to attack me. I died by pushing A-xian out of the way by being stabbed by a guard when the siege was going on.
A-Qing: And I died by giving up myself and my family to protect Wei Ying. Explanation is that everyone believed that Wei ying controlled A-ning to kill Zixuan.
Wei Ying: Damn...
Jiang Cheng: We have nothing to say...
Huaisang: Good then we can continue. Since y’all don’t wanna explain A-xian’s death I guess I will. After Yanli-jie died A-xian couldn’t take it and lost control of the yin iron after that he threw himself of off the mountain, before he could fall deeper Wangji-gege caught him but A-Cheng saw this and went to them. Since wangji-gege was holding A-xian he decided to kill both of them- But A-xian pushed himself out of wangji-gege’s hand and he fell and died.
Wei Ying: Welp there you have on how I died. So technically Chengcheng killed me!
Wanyin: You want me to do it for a second time!?
Wangji went over to Wei Ying hugging him protectively: Mine.
Wei Ying: ...Ah hahahahahha Lan Zhan ah!
Wanyin: My poor eyes..
Huaisang: Not only you.
Lan Xichen: Huaisang?
Both Huaisang‘s: Yes?
Lan Xichen: I mean the future one.
Huaisang: Yes xichen-gege?
Lan Xichen: Just now did you mention that da-ge was killed by A-yao..?
Huaisang: Yes I did Xichen-ge why?
Lan Xichen: Why did A-yao kill him?
Huaisang: He killed da-ge because he wanted revenge.
Lan Xichen: ...
Lan Zhan: Xiong-zhang. Right now you won’t believe us, but what we’re saying is true.
Lan Huan: A-Zhan is right. That time I didn’t want to believe it but I regret not listening to Young Master Wei and A-Zhan earlier.
Wei Ying: Lan Huan how many times have I told you to stop calling me Young Master Wei exactly?
Lan Huan: hehe sorry Wei Ying, it’s a habit.
Wei Ying: It’s fine, and Jiang Cheng stop looking at me like that I’m not gonna still him from you, you angry lotus.
Wanyin: You’re unpredictable and don’t call me an angry lotus!
Wei Ying: Oh shut it!
Huaisang in between them just fanning himself: ...
Huaisang: The both of you sto-
Zidian flew infront of Huaisang making him almost fall on his back.
Wanyin and Wei Ying: OW! HUAISANG AH!
Huaisang: The both of you stop before I hit you two with strength!
Juniors: ...Well damn, sang ge’s/Uncle sang’s about to kill them
Sworn brothers: We heard that!
Juniors: ...
Huaisang: Anyways, Xichen-ge. If you don’t believe us then believe your future self.
Lan Xichen: .. mn.. ok
Jiang cheng was feeling abit jealous and his future self could see it but didn’t say anything.
Everyone else from the past was just quietly watching the drama going on between the 3 brothers. When suddenly another light blinded them.

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