Untitled Part 7

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The Text

The morn before the day in question,
I rose to face the dawn.
Bleary eyed I approached the window,
And gazed out upon my lawn.

My mobile rang, I pressed accept,
A text from Lara appeared.
Rubbing my eyes I scanned the words,
Twas the one that I had feared.

"I love you Jack, you know I do,
But our love has run its course.
Someone else has stolen my heart,
I am suing for divorce"

No reply could I send with frozen hands,
My brain trying to comprehend.
The words from a wife of ten years past,
Would bring our marriage to an end.

Slumped on a chair, I reached for the bottle,
Knowing the answer did not lie there.
"Pull yourself together" I said over and over,
Although the pain was hard to bare.

24 hours have passed since that moment,
In my vision the future is now clear.
As one chapter ends, your future begins,
Moving on as new horizons appear.

My time

Carry me high when my time has come,
Let no one weep for me.
For I am but a cog in the life of man,
A child of the forbidden tree.

Some say life is not but a game,
The Contestants, our fathers above.
Watching in detail every move we make,
Under the guise of Faith and Love.

To others we come and then we go,
With no reason of why or where.
Humans spawned of plankton from a distant past,
Take my advice, doubters beware.

This human brain is a monumental thing,
So ingenious it makes me cry.
Functioning my being for one hundred years,
From birth till the day I die.

Oddicombe Beach

Level stains on the rocks below,
The reminder of an out-going tide.
Shadows of waves as they come and go,
Take my imagination far and wide.

A cluster of houses in a valley of trees,
Some are new, others buried in time.
My face receives a soft summer breeze,
"A swim" for the moment I decline.

A chair-lift from a bygone day,
A reminder of what has been.
Children of all ages run and play,
Flying birds take in the scene.

Beach-huts adorned with coloured doors,
Tell stories of an earlier time.
Pirates once landed on these rocky shores,
For this moment, it is yours and mine.

The sun bather 

Is she dead, is she sleeping,
Should I worry, should I care.
The incoming tide is closer creeping,
To that body lying there.
Am I obliged to revive her,
If a problem does arise.
A strange disease I may incur,
In order that she survives.
I could do the pressy, chesty thing,
I could hold her nose and then.
Scream and shout, the Coast Guard ring,
If on my help she does depend.
My watch reminds me it is time to go,
My bus leaves at 2-55,
I will return tomorrow, when I will know,
If my sun-bathing body has survived.


My childhood memories are clear in my mind,
Two parents that loved me so dear.
I often reflect on a life left behind,
As my path to the future I steer.

Memories made are the basis of living,
Building bricks to the person you become.
Life can be harsh, sometimes unforgiving,
The world is confusing when you are young.

Most times the good outstrips the bad,
To all humans emotions are the same.
Jealousy, suspicion, happy or sad,
The Post-code of your birth is to blame.

Be kind be humble to all whom you meet,
Look around, are you one of the few.
Follow the parents who planted the seed,
And all of your dreams will come true.

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