Untitled Part 6

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Take me back oh take me back,
To my home on Craig-na-Cree.
Where Eagles fly from tree-tops high,
Dear run wild and free.

Leaving home a slip of a lad
At the age of just sixteen.
Now I return to my ancestral shores,
With reflections of what I have seen.

To the Ocean's waves my heart was called,
With visions of my Grandfathers tales.
To lands I travelled, far and wide,
On the power of wind filled sails.

From Artic cold, to Desert heat,
I have laughed and I have cried.
In storms where waves have reached the heavens,
Friends have perished by my side.

I have seen the Seven Wonders,
Drank wine with Kings and Queens.
Kissed the Blarney stone in the County of Cork,
Fulfilling my every dream.

Now I return to my island home,
In search of a fair bonnie Lass.
A family is all that is left for me,
My wandering days are in the past.

             My submission

Come to me when the sun is high,
As the shadows fade away.
Hear my words, give no reply.
I have many things to say.

The months gone by have seemed like a dream,
A journey to another time.
A branch afloat on a downward stream,
A passage from a nursery rhyme.

I struggle to describe the way I feel,
My heart beating out of control.
Bowing my head, I before you kneel,
Surrendering my very soul.

As high-noon comes, my love I will declare,
Hoping for a smile from your face.
Should the eyes I see hold a deathly stare,
I will bow and take my leave of this place.

            The Admission

Come inside, sit a spell
Welcome to my domain.
Some say my taste lacks in style.
Feel free if you must complain.

Visitors I fear are rare to me,
For to reach me you first must die.
Before dissention, hear my plea,
For on my honesty you can rely.

Condemned to this place for sins of the past,
I accepted my fate like a man.
Found guilty by my Peers, outward I was cast,
Forever to wander this land.

Yes this is hell, but not as you fear,
No fire nor brimstone will you find.
Tomorrow at dawn no sun will appear,
All memories you had, left behind.

Take my hand, feel my strength,
This is your consideration.
Your sentence here is a lifetime in length,
Never young, never old, just stagnation.

This is a place of prehistoric beasts,
We are human but not as before.
The people you meet are sadly deceased,
Doomed to live on this earth at its core.

My name is Javan your side by side,
Any questions you have you may ask.
As we take our first steps you must decide,
If in mind and body, you are up to the task.


Previous life
My imagination takes me to a previous life,
Where a Knight in shinning armour I be.
A pure white Stallion, two kids and a wife,
All in the Village wished they were me.
My sacred mission, justice for all,
No envy nor resentment would I show.
A Damsel in distress, I answer the call,
With my enemies I stand toe to toe.

This Life
My name is John, a common man,
In this life a builder I be.
Born with pride to a Scottish Clan,
I am single, I am happy, I am free.
Maybe some day my life will change,
As I drift from day to day.
A wife and children would rearrange,
My thoughts in an old fashioned way.

After Life
I hasten my thoughts to the after-life,
Where only wishes can quench my thirst.
Avoiding the pitfalls, troubles and strife,
What would I be on the day of my birth?
Life has a way of changing direction,
Once a Knight, now an Astronaut I be.
To fine new worlds for human inspection,
In the vastness of the Cosmic sea.


Can you tell me with the evidence of proof,
Is this world a safe place to be.
My question has meaning being still in my youth,
Before you answer, please listen to me.

The newsman speaks of war and destruction,
Disregarding all human rights.
Governments accused of theft and corruption,
Victims falling to the Snipers sights.

Drugs are abound and children molested,
Displaced Immigrants perish at sea.
Families living in homes infested,
By a quirk of fate this could be you or me.

What of the values, live and let live,
All peoples in harmony and peace,
No more temptation to steel, but to give,
All wars and Genocide must cease.

Turn to your neighbour, offer your hand,
Smile with honesty to a passer by,
Afford all Nations peace in their land,
If not all possible, at least we can try.

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