o. a dark abyss of sky

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Odette stared into the dark abyss of sky.

The dark-haired eleven year old wished nothing more than to be a part of that world, among the things planets and stars and comets and matter. To be free from the chip on her shoulder. For the secrets of the vast universe to welcome her in their embraces. She gazed into the magic dome in the ceiling of the Great Hall, not caring that it was purely magic and not the actual sky. She would still give anything to be a part of it.

First, though, she would need to brave being sorted at Hogwarts.

The first-years were led into the old castle, chattering all throughout the way from the Great Hall to a large, stone hallway. Odette was watching, observing them all. A red-haired girl stormed away from a boy with glasses who shared a laugh with a regal, yet chaotic looking boy, with shoulder-length black hair. James Potter and Sirius Black.

Of course, she knew of them. Everyone with magical upbringing did, really, and she saw them on the train. Still, Odette was surprised (to say at the least) to see the two boys from such different families getting on so well.

By the angry red-headed girl now stood a pale, gangly boy with greasy dark hair and a brooding expression. He was glaring at Potter and Black as if he held a personal vendetta against the boys already. Behind the duo, there was a tall blond girl, with a booming, confident voice. Her arm was around the shoulders of a gentle-looking girl with bronze skin and a light purple bow in her hair. She then noticed that the blonde girl had a matching purple ribbon in hers.

Odette immediately knew that they would all be the kids that everyone fawned over. Well. Maybe excluding the brooding boy.

All chatter died down as a woman in bottle-green robes entered the hall, her voice reverberating off the walls.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

She continued. "The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

Despite her father's warnings to pay attention, Odette zoned off, staring into nothing at all. Cold panic sieged her frail body. She would not be able to go in front of so many people! Especially when being sorted into the house which would greatly affect her time at school and after so much.... She nervously cracked her knuckles.

Soon enough, the children were ushered in front of the entire school to be sorted. The woman—who Odette learned to know as Professor McGonagall—said something, and then a dusty old hat (?) recited a few verses, yet Odette couldn't bring herself to pay proper attention, overcome with nerves. Her heart beat a million miles her hour in her chest.

The Sorting continued.

"Black, Sirius!"


Odette raised a brow. This will not go over well with his family, she thought to herself. The sorting continued through the first years.

"Evans, Lily!"


The oily-looking boy looked as if he was shattered by Evans being a Gryffindor. He clearly didn't expect to be one himself. Odette felt a pang of sympathy. However, Lily Evans looked pleased, sitting straighter in her seat as her new housemates clapped her on the back.

"Malcolm, Magnolia!"


More names were called. Odette waited patiently, willing herself not to get distracted.

"Wright, Odette!"

Her legs were walking her to the stool before her mind could register what was occurring. Shockingly, as Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head, she sent the girl a small, yet encouraging, smile.

"Hmmmm... a Wright, you say? Well, you could do quite well in Ravenclaw... an intuitive, creative spirit that would fit the house well... no? No, I know where you'll fit best... better be a HUFFLEPUFF!"

The brunette practically scrambled to the table to yellow and black robes as soon as the hat was lifted off her head, letting out a sigh of relief and smiling at her housemates who clapped for her.

After everyone was sorted, a man with extravagant robes and a long, white beard appeared at a stand, and the Great Hall quieted as her began to speak. Albus Dumbledore.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "I am pleased to welcome you all to a new year at Hogwarts. Before we begin the banquet, I would like to say this one thing to you all: tuck in!"

A bountiful feast set itself up on each house's table. Odette ate as much as she possibly could, staring off at the ghosts wandering around and the incandescent candles that floated in the magical sky.

Around her, Hufflepuffs chattered and greeted each other. With the ones who spoke to her, the girl finally felt like she wasn't being judged while talking to someone, and gradually began to enjoy herself more as the night went on.

Odette Desmonda Wright was going to love Hogwarts.

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