i. beginnings

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Even though it was her sixth time boarding The Hogwarts Express, the magic of it never seemed to fade away. The train came rolling into Platform 9 3/4 at eleven o'clock sharp, the engine steaming and the paint gleaming. With it came memories of her first time ever leaving for Hogwarts as a frail eleven year old, and the years up to now.

Odette turned to her dad. She resembled him closely, but it was from her mother who she had gotten most of her looks. However, Edward Wright and his daughter still held some more in common than they would admit.

"I'll see you at Christmas, then." Odette said quietly, grabbing her trunks.

"See you then, love. Have a good start to the term, alright?" He replied distractedly. Odette nodded.

"'Course, dad. Bye!"

She pushed her trunks as Tuesday meowed from her cage. The slender black cat seemed to glare at her owner. "Little prat," Odette muttered under her breath.


She spun back around, seeing her father. "Dad?"

"Be careful this year, OK?"

Odette furrowed her brows, but she did as he said. "I promise, dad. Besides, you don't need to worry. I'm a Hufflepuff—we don't get involved in any of the fun stuff, so I'm safe from any danger." Her dad gave a forced-looking smile before she turned away.

Loading her trunks and boarding the train passed in a blur. When she found the compartment, she grinned.

"What's up, badgers?"

Immediately, there was a pair of arms thrown around her. The face she saw as she pulled away, laughing, belonged to Flora Durand, a Hufflepuff in her year with warm eyes, black waves cascading down her back, and clear, golden-brown skin. Her six foot frame towered over Odette. "I missed you!" Odette exclaimed.

Before the tall girl could respond, the third person in the carriage beat her to it. "Don't worry, I'm not here. No need to think about Hugo."

The girls rolled their eyes. "Don't be a grouch, it doesn't suit you, you old softie." Flora scolded. "Besides, it is Odette's thing."

"Hey!" Odette retorted. "And hello, Hugo." The seventh year Hufflepuff failed to hide his smile. The sunlight fell in beams from the window, catching on his soft brown hair. In the light, it was almost golden.

Odette unlatched the cage and let Tuesday roam the compartment. Hugo met her eyes.

"How were your summers?" She inquired to them both.

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