Chapter Five

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Fukase sighed and stretched his arms out as he finished another math worksheet. It had been a week since Oliver had been annexed into their friend group, and so far, things were going pretty well. The way Piko pestered him after every interaction was getting a little annoying, but other than that, Fukase found that he could relax a lot more around Oliver.

The opposite was also true; Oliver was starting to open up a lot more to him and the others. He talked about animals a lot. Fukase, of course, found it quite endearing. Oliver was a little odd, but that just made Fukase like him more.

Fukase's phone pinged and he picked it up to check the text. What confused Fukase was that it was from an unknown number.

Unknown 9:14 PM
Hello, Fukase.


Who? What? Why do they know his name? Does he have a stalker???

You 9:15 PM
whos this?

Unknown 9:15 PM
Piko gave me your phone number.

Oh. That made a lot more sense. It was definitely better than having a stalker, but...

"Piko... I'm gonna murder that bastard..." Fukase muttered under his breath. How was he supposed to ask for Oliver's number like in a shoujo romance if Oliver already had his number?!

Well, maybe it wasn't entirely bad. After all, Oliver reaching out to him first means that Oliver wanted something from him, right?

Fukase quickly saved Oliver's contact before messaging him again.

You 9:17 PM
oh, ok
did u need smthn?

Oli💛 9:17 PM
Yes, actually. You mentioned last week that you would teach me something from the music curriculum.
I was wondering if there's a good time I could come over.

Oliver wanted to come over to his house? Omgomgomgomg. This is happening! Oliver wants to spend time with him! Alone! At his house!

(Well, maybe not the alone part, stupid Cul, but Fukase was willing to ignore that fact.)

You 9:19 PM
yeah! we can do that soon
maybe tmrw?

Oli💛 9:20 PM
I'm busy for most of the afternoon, but I can meet with you in the evening.
How does 5:30 PM sound?
You can give me your address tomorrow at school.

You 9:20 PM
see u tmrw then!

Oli💛 9:20 PM
See you tomorrow.
Good night.

You 9:20 PM
goose night!

Oli💛 9:21 PM
Goose night?

You 9:21 PM
its just something ive been doing for a while lmao

Oli💛 9:22
Oh, alright.
Goose night.

Fukase sat staring at his screen for a while. Oliver's coming over tomorrow! And he said goose night! He should probably clean up his room if Oliver's coming over. His manga was strewn on the floor, and beneath it was a layer of clothes. This was the worst possible environment to give his crush a music lesson.

Fukase stood up from his desk, homework forgotten. This was more important. He began picking up his manga volumes and carefully sorting them on his bookshelf. Flower and Len always pestered him for reading so much shoujo manga, but Oliver didn't seem the type to tease him over it. Although, even if he did, Fukase probably wouldn't mind.

He shoved his clothes into his closet and drawers with much less care, though. He could take care of them another time. As long as they were out of the way, it was good enough.

Fukase was almost finished clearing up his room when Cul barged in. "Whoa, what's this? You're cleaning your room of your own will for once? What's the occasion?"

He let out an exaggerated sigh. "Yes, Cul, I have someone coming over tomorrow so I have to clean. Now get out so I can finish."

"No can do," she responded all too cheerfully. "Mom said to let you know that you're being too loud. Quit stomping around your room like that."

"I'm not stomping!"

"Yes, you are," she rolled her eyes. "Dad could hear you from the garage. We get that you're excited over having a friend for once, but still, keep it down."

"I have plenty more friends than you."

"Mhm, I'm sure you do." She threw him a nauseating grin before walking away, leaving the door open, of course.

Fukase resisted the urge to slam the door shut while mumbling under his breath. Siblings suck.

Fukase went back to cleaning, quieter this time. The last thing he wanted was to have to interact with Cul again, or worse, have his mom tell him off.

Once he finished, he threw his books and notes into his backpack. Some of his homework was unfinished, but it didn't matter. He had to get plenty of rest so that he could do his best with Oliver the following day.

But before that, he had one more thing to do.

He grabbed his phone and called Piko.

It rang once... twice...



"Yeah, Fukase? What's up?"

"Meet me after school tomorrow outside the gym. I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind."

"Whoa, what's with the chuuni dialogues? You good?"


The line went silent and then Piko burst out laughing. "That's what you're mad about? He asked, so I gave it to him! You should be thanking me."

Fukase just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I was gonna ask him for his number myself... I had a plan and everything..." he trailed off wistfully.

"Alright, alright. How did it go?"

Fukase hesitated before responding. "It went... well, I think. He asked to meet at my place tomorrow evening."

"Congratulations." Fukase could hear the grin in Piko's voice. "Make sure you use protection, okay?"

"I'm gonna murder you tomorrow. Be ready."

"Like you could beat me, you're built like a twink."

Piko's laughter was cut off as Fukase ended the call, fuming. He didn't have to look in a mirror to know that his face was completely red.

He dropped his phone on his desk and fell back on top of his bed. That was enough social interaction for one day. Suddenly exhausted, he curled up in a ball on his side.

A few moments later, Meiko popped her head through the door. "Fukase, what did we say about being quieter- oh." She stopped in the middle of her sentence when she realized Fukase was fast asleep. He didn't even get changed.

Sighing with a contented smile, she turned off the lights and left the room.

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