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The day was finally over and i walked home with my headphones on. I have to get ready for work so i walked swiftly.

You see i consider myself an orphan, my mother was brainwashed and now she is dead. The man that got my mother pregnant....he will never be known as a father to me. Never.

After living in orphanages for a bit, finally becoming old enough to live on my own, and finding a decent apartment complex owned by a nice old couple with a fair rent amount, everything finally stared to go smoothly for me.

I work 2 jobs. I work at a daycare, which i have to go to today, and a froyo shop.

The daycare was difficult to get used to when you grow up in the environment i did. It was a wake up call to how horribly i was treated. How everyone was treated.

The daycare, believe it or not, became my favorite job out of the two. Not because of its good pay, but because of seeing happy kids. Not controlled, sad, and scared kids but genuinely happy children that are exploring the world.

And also because of the good snacks. Food is my life.

I finally made it home and plugged up my devices so they can get a bit of charge and jumped in the shower to get the teenage germs of me.

You would be horrified to see the things teens do at parties and call it fun.

No, just no.

Finally, i was feeling icky.

I scrubbed my body nicely, making sure to get everything lathered with soap and washed off with steamy water.

After drying off I put lotion on, as i refuse to be dry,  and got dressed.

I then put some moisturizer and sunscreen on my face and neck.

After putting my hair in a low ponytail i grabbed my work bag, with water bottle, my charger, headphones, snacks, and phone. I was off.

i looked around for my glasses and couldn't by find them.

Oh yeah, i left at the daycare by accident. Finally i'm getting them back.

As I walked to the daycare i saw a kid alone. I looked around to see if a parent was near and saw nobody.

I frowned at the situation.

Why is she all by herself?

I saw a van start to move slowly behind the girl and my frown turned into a scowl.

Hell no.

I ran over to the kid with a smile as to not scare her.

I crouched down to her short height and she looked at me scared.

"Hi, what are you doing here all alone?"
I asked and turned to the van giving the driver a glare that said 'move the fuck on'. He jolted quickly speeding up the car to leave us alone.

"I-i was walking home with my m-mommy but then these scary people started chasing me a-and mommy. She told me to run b-b-ut then i heard this really loud boom sound."

The little girl started to cry and i rubbed her back to comfort her.

"T-th-then mommy fell down so i ran to her b-but she told me to run and then she went to sleep. So i ran and now i'm here."

Either the mom is dead or she passed out. Let's hope it's the latter.

The little girl started to cry again and i gave her a hug. I then picked her up as she started to sniffle.

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