meeting cammy

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Ashley's POV:
I'm so scared, I'm waiting backstage and I'm shaking so much I can't stop it. I'm scared I might have a panic attack and I can't have one in front in cam. I'll be so embarrassed if I do. Taylor calmed me down and told me to go and talk to mahogany while he went to go find Cameron. I told mahogany everything and gave me some very good advice I should say. mahogany said Cameron walked in the room. I turned around and started blushing really hard. I looked at Taylor and he started to get angry. but he shook it off. he introduced me to cam and I introduced myself to him. God he's hot🔥 what is happening to you Ashley. how could someone be this hot and not even think so. Cameron started asking me questions and I started having a panic attack. I feel on the floor screaming and crying my eyes out. I screamed for Taylor but he never came. he went to Starbucks with Nash and Hayes. I wish Hayes told me because I treat Hayes like my little bro and he treats me like I'm jus big sis. they ran in and Hayes ran over to me and grabbed a pillow in the way over to me. I was hyperventilating and I couldn't take it anymore. next thing I know is everything went black...

Cameron's POV:
when I walked in this girl and mahogany tired around. God dang this girl is absolutely beautiful.😍 I noticed she started blushing, oh my gosh she is hot asf'. Taylor finally spoke up
"cam this is my twin sister Ashley" he said
"nice to meet you" I said politely to her
"nice to meet the one and only Cameron Dallas" she said sarcastically
oh my god can this girl get anymore beautiful I asked my self. next thing I know she's on the ground screaming. I noticed it was only me and her in the room. tay texted me and said he was going to Starbucks with Nash and Hayes real quick. she yells for Taylor but after 20 mins he ran in. Hayes ran over and got a pillow an layer it under her head. her eyes started to close...
"open your eyes Ashley please" I screamed and started crying
"Ashley please wake up please" I kept screaming her name but nothing
I started to get up but Taylor asked me if I was ok, I just pushed by him and dialed 911. they came here in 3 mins tops. I drove everyone to the hospital, and ran in. I'm so scared right now. I just met her and I feel like I've known her my entire life. I hope she will be ok, if she's not idk what I'll do with myself. Taylor won't ever come back to Magcon if she dies or gets out on life support.

(hope you like this book Ashley)😘💯

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