Chapter 4

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If all humans lived as extravagant as Ander, Cora could get used to this. The Carolin Castle shimmered on every surface. Servants flitted around dusting the bronze bust of past kings. Deep blue carpets were rolled out in every hallway. Windowless halls let in the cool sea breeze.

While Prince Ander and Countess Erika rambled on and on about the portraits and crystal chandeliers, Cora let her gaze wander. The Trident Necklace was nowhere in sight. But that wouldn't be a problem, she had plenty of time to search for it later.

The two royals led Cora down a long hall to an arched door, and a servant appeared to sweep open the door for them. They all filed into the most beautiful room Cora has ever seen.

Blue wallpaper covered all the walls. Golden lines ran across the seam of the ceiling and trimmed the walls. Sapphire colored lounge chairs sat on top of the gold and blue knotted rug. She turned to face the bed, which was finer and larger than any sea sponge she had slept on before. It was four posters, with a sky blue canopy. Perfectly flat white sheets had been laid out on the bed.

Cora laughed out of joy at the sight. "This is the most wonderful thing I've ever seen!" She squealed. Cora ran her hands over the soft covers of the bed.

Erika grinned. "You haven't even seen the best part." The countess gestured to the window.

Cora pushed aside the curtain to find nothing but water as far as the eye could see.

"It's lovely isn't it." Erika mused. She leaned against the windowsill letting the soft breeze blow against her inky hair. "I could watch the water for hours. Sometimes I even think there are creatures out there."

Cora smiled and leaned against the rail just as Erika did. Ander cleared his throat from behind the women. She both turned back to face him. "I must be going to prepare for dinner. Erika, will you see to it that our guest is comfortable."

"Of course, my lord." Erika fell into a graceful curtsy.

Cora did the same, except slightly less graceful.

Ander smirked at Cora. "I look forward to getting to know you tonight."

A warm blush spread across Cora's cheeks. She opened her mouth to say something but instead just nodded aggressively. Erika pressed her lips together to avoid laughing.

Once the prince left the room, Erkia let her shoulders drop slightly. She beamed. "God, I'm thrilled to have you here. It's like having a life-size doll I can dress up in." Erika ran over to the wardrobe on the other side of the blue room. She flung open the painted doors. "I had one of my maids bring over some dresses for you to borrow."

Cora looked from afar at the selections. Erika's brows furrowed. "Well, don't just stand there, get over here." Cora obeyed. Her dress had mostly dried during the tour, but she was thankful for the new clothing options.

"Let's try this one." Erika pulled out a cream-colored gown. Tiny pearls were sewn to the bodice and along the hem of the cap sleeves. She shoved Cora behind a folding screen and brought out a petticoat and crinoline.

Cora's eyes bugged out. "What are those?" She reached out to touch the wire of the underskirt.

Erkia laughed, "Undergarments, silly." She reached into the wardrobe and pulled out a fitted garment. "And this is a corset. I'll help you."

Cora turned around and put on the white underdress thrown over the screen. Erika walked behind her and helped lace Cora into the new undergarments. "I can't believe you've never used any of these before." She yanked the strings tight and Cora gasped slightly. "They give you a figure, and the men go crazy over them." She yanked again.

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