Chapter 9

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 The water was no longer a calming safe place for Cora. Somersaulting through the crashing waters of the aqueduct, Cora tried to collect her bearings. She had been betrayed by who she thought was a friend, failed the mission, and was now stuck in a mermaid body. Now, completely alone. The current of the rushing aqueduct was too strong for her to swim against, even with her newly acquainted tail and fins. So she let her body be pushed until she felt a sense of free fall as the water was deposited into the ocean.

Funny to think just days ago, she watched Prince Ander make a similar journey. Finally free of the current, Cora swam deeper into the ocean, hiding from any courtier ships that may be floating in the harbor. She still wasn't used to the tail and couldn't help but miss her legs and wiggling her toes. Cora longed to cry, but a mermaid's sadness could not be expressed through tears. Instead, she let herself sink to the bottom, waiting for the comforting pressure to embrace her.

Pops of sound and color exploded above the surface. The coronation was over. Kystalle had a new king. Cora had officially failed Queen Alessandra. Pushing off the sandy sea floor, Cora launched herself to the surface. Music floated from nearby boat decks, all except one. A small boat, with a single sailor rocked with the waves, but no music came from it. Cora could recognize that ship's sailor anywhere.

"Derek," she screamed, grabbing hold of the boat's anchor chain. She shook it furiously, trying to make any noise to draw his attention.

Derek's head poked over the side of the ledge. He scowled slightly at the sight of her. "Cora, what is God's name are you doing?"

"I know you are mad at me, and I'm sorry for how I treated you!" She stated, still clinging to the chain. "But I'm in deep trouble, and I need a friend. I just want to tell you the whole truth."

"Truth?" Derek asked. He didn't move.

Cora nodded aggressively. "I've been lying this whole time, and I'm sorry, I don't want to end up like Arlo, dead and alone!"

Derek chuckled a little. He shook his head and moved to the anchor, pulling it up. Cora gulped as she was raised out of the water, exposing her tail. Derek reached for her and helped her over the edge, but nearly dropped her back in the water at the sight of her scales.

"What is happening?" He gasped, stumbling back to the opposite side of the deck.

Cora ungracefully flopped to the ground, groaning at impact. "This is the trouble!"

Derek sat there in disbelief. He had heard stories about mermaids and sirens. He wondered which Cora appeared to be.

"So we're being honest now?" He asked quietly, still in a state of shock.

Cora laughed nervously in response.

"I can't believe you convinced me to go to a place called Siren Rock," Derek said, adjusting his sails.

Cora had told him the whole truth. Thankfully, Derek wanted to be of assistance. So he sailed them south deeper into the sea. Heading straight for Siren Rock, and hopefully, Selene. "Drop me off here." Cora pointed out, giving the boat a good distance between them and the sirens. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to tell them they're not allowed to listen to their songs."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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