Awkward stage

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"Hey newton." Izzie emerged from caseys doorway, she really liked this girl, she just don't know what to do, how to show it, how to act.

"Um hey! How are you?" She felt like an idiot.
"I'm good, just been busy with the kids at the moment so I'm sorry I haven't really been texting you lately."
"It's okay, I understand." Casey scooted up to the edge of her bed and izzie sat next to her.

"So look I-"
"Should we keep this between us for a while?" Casey interrupted.
"Oh my god, yes! Thank you!" Izzie sighed causing them both to laugh. "Maybe us being private for a while will give us space to figure it all out, and maybe help us come out of this awkward stage."
"You feel it too huh?" Casey felt relieved that her and izzie were having a normal conversation for the first time since their kiss. It had been strange for them, to go from friends to more.

"Yeah I do, it's weird right? Like what's wrong with us? We never had this problem when we were friends?"
"I know right! I guess it's just cuz..." Casey felt brave, she wasn't sure if she was brave enough to say what she was thinking but she decided to take a shot. "Cuz I like you so much and I don't wanna screw it up by saying something dumb."

"I really like you too, newton." Izzie looked down and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I know, why don't we get slurpees?"
"Yes please! I've been craving one!" Casey stood and extended a hand to izzie, who took it. As soon as their fingers intwined it was like electricity run up both their spines.

They drove in silence for about two minutes. Till casey plugged her phone in and played a playlist.
"What playlist is this, newton? It's really good."
"Oh um nothing. Just a few songs I threw together" Casey had turned a bright red and wasn't making eye contact with the other girl. Izzie glanced at the phone. 'Car rides with iz ❤️'

Izzie couldn't help but smile to herself.
"We're here." Casey smiled and jumped out the car. Izzie followed, they once again interlaced their fingers with one another, causing that same electric feeling.
They ordered the Slurpees and walked back to the car.

there they were sat side by side in the car, same slurpees. Brought right back to last time they had been in this situation.

The awkward silence was deafening. Casey finally decided to speak.
"Wanna stay over tonight?"
"Yeah, sure." Izzie smiled, although confused as to why Casey would want more of this, maybe for the same reason izzie did. To try and fix this awkward mess.

"Cool, Elsa won't mind she loves you anyway."
"Yeah she's cool."
Casey gasped dramatically and pulled a face of pure shock. "How dare you say that about Elsa! And I really thought we had something but you're an Elsa fan so yanno." Casey shrugged and smiled to herself.

"Shut up! She's sweet!" Izzie tried to justify.
"No no no you've done it now."
"Ugh." Izzie laughed "you'll get over it."
"You know what I really don't think I will." Casey turned to face the smaller girl.
"Oh really?" Izzie faced Casey.
"Mhm yeah." Casey smirked. They were drawing closer to each other, smiles not fading from their faces. Finally casey placed a soft kiss on Izzies smiling lips, causing her to blush.

They both smiled to themselves for a minute till Casey spoke again. "Music?"
"Yeah, sure." Izzie cranked up the volume and when her favourite song came on she couldn't help but look at the taller girl, she knew she cared about her, she knew she liked her. So why is this so awkward for her? She loved kissing her, holding her hand, talking to her, everything about Casey made Izzie smile.

"You hate this song." Izzie spoke to the brunette, who simply shrugged. "No I don't."
"Yeah you do! Whenever I used to put it on you hated it!" She laughed a little and Casey just shrugged again.

"You like it." She said quietly.
"It's your favourite song, isn't it?" Casey wasn't looking at Izzie, she was nervous.
"'d you know?" Izzie found this little gesture so overwhelmingly sweet, damn Casey had a soft side.

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