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Y/n and Chan were the only ones sitting at the table today. People who sat at their usually table switched up every now and then. Sometimes somebody would miss school and would be replaced by somebody else. Today Bambam was sitting with people that y/n was too busy to notice. At his table sat Yugyeom, Jisung, and Taeyong. So today it was just y/n and Chan at one table. Since y/n missed about a full week, she did have a lot of work to catch up with. 

"Hey Chan...I just- you're helping me out and I feel so bad.. Everything I said the other day was horrible and i'm sorry I took my frustrations out on you. You don't deserve that at all. I really really want to go back to the house if you can forgive me.." 

"Oh well of course! I understand everything you said, you were having a horrible day. I would've been creeped out if you weren't upset! I forgive you 100% and you're allowed back home. We have someone staying over for a while though. I don't think you'd mind him!"

She nodded. Chan continued on helping her work but she couldn't help but wonder. Him? Who is it staying at their house? It wasn't at the top of her concerns considering she has a weeks worth of work waiting in all of her classes. The school day kinda brushed by fast. Although she was given a lot of work to complete, all of her teachers understood she would rather learn in class and work at home. After school the usual group walked home. It was kinda hot outside, so even though y/n grew uncomfortable she took off her hoodie. Chan was holding it for her while they walked home though. If you asked anyone they looked like a couple.

"Okayyy bye guys! Thanks for walking with us!" Jisung shouted out as he dragged Minho inside his house. 

"They're so weird sometimes-" Changbin started, 

Felix cut him off, "No way don't say that! They're super cute!" 

"All of y'all are weirdos, Bye!" Seungmin ran off before anyone can attack him. 

The rest kept walking but slowly. It was Bambam, y/n, Chan, Changbin, and Felix. They were all going to the same place except for Bambam. It honestly made the others upset. It was Friday and they'd have to wait a WHOLE weekend just to hang out again. Once they reached Bambam's house he made a dramatic pause. 

"Chan...y/n.. If I may i'd like to say something." He started. 

The pair looked at each other a little confused and nodded.

Bambam nodded and took one of their hands in his, "You two have my blessing." He wiped away a fake tear "Please don't spend too much on the wedding, kids exist-"

Both y/n and Chan bursted out laughing. Felix and Changbin were laughing just as much. 

"You're so extra Bam!" Y/n laughed out. 

"Thank's for the blessing man" Chan said and they all embraced Bambam.

Once he walked into his house the group continued on. When they got closer to the house y/n was happy, but more anxious than anything to see who she has to share a house with. 

"Crap I forgot my keys, you think he's still home?" Chan asked. 

"I'm sure he is, not like he goes to school here." Changbin answered and knocked.

Inside it was easy to hear somebody rushing to the door. Skidding on the floor and an actual thud on the door from inside. Once it opened, Lucas was standing there. Before y/n could even react he just squealed. 

"Wow! You look gorgeous!" Lucas said as he scooped her up.

She only laughed and hugged him, "Oh my god why are you here??"

"I'm on summer break! I missed you so much!"

It was almost random to see him here, but nobody was really complaining. It seemed everyone knew except for y/n. It was the best surprise ever. Lucas ended up carrying y/n inside and they all sat on the couch together. 

"You have to tell me every single detail about Chicago Lucas!" She demanded. 

"Of course! I can tell you the full story!"

And so he did. Upon their arrival, Lucas and Johnny took a day to go around Chicago and get familiar with it. Mark though was too tired to even get up. Over time Lucas grew really attached to the place. Before he did he was completely shattered by his choice to leave Korea. He did really enjoy things there, but he made even more friends with Johnny and Mark. They went partying almost daily. Lucas even found himself a girlfriend, but she gave him the ultimatum. 

"She said if I came back she would dump me. I didn't think.. I didn't like how controlling she made this decision for me. I came back to see family and friends, but she felt I would rather stick by a 6 month long relationship. It's a long time yeah, but I don't wanna be with someone that controlling...other than her, Chicago was amazing!" He ended it off with a huge smile. 

"I'm sorry she turned out like that, when we called you sounded so happy.." y/n said.

"Well yeah but I prefer family over a girl!" 

The way he spoke was as if he wouldn't let a single thing change how he felt about anything. He was so positive it was contagious. Y/n made dinner for the day. As she did so the boys were all playing some games. It's not like they forced her though, she volunteered. As she cooked, someone hugged her from behind. 

"Thanks for cooking y/n." It was Chan.

"Of course- I can't have y'all starving!" She turned to face him. 

From the layout of the house, everyone can see them. It wasn't that important to y/n since they're just two friends chilling and cooking. Chan was still hugging around her waist though. They were a bit close still, noses almost touching. Chan was a few shades red, y/n on the other hand was only smiling. 

"Y/n...I um.." He moved away and sighed, "I wanna help you out, it's a lot of us to cook for.."

"Oh no I got it already, don't worry." She responded. 

He nodded, seemingly defeated. He gave her a peck on the cheek and walked back to the living room. Y/n watched him, only to be met with Lucas' gaze. He looked upset..

I absolutely hate rushing romance, but i'm more motivated for my other story than this one. Y'all tell me, has there been enough chemistry between y/n and Chan? NEED NEED NEEEED advice here. 

Thanks for reading!

His chubby girl (Bang Chan X Reader) DISCONTINUED/REVAMPINGWhere stories live. Discover now