Chapter 10: Trust is Earned, Not Given

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Chapter 10

When Cahaya came to, the first thing he saw was Api and Gopal wearing matching beards made of cotton candy trying to claim he had been in a coma for years.

He really had no idea what made them think he would fall for that and completely ignored them while Yaya left to call his other brothers who had gone to eat breakfast.

No sooner did they arrive with various looks of relief- Petir was immediately scolding him about how reckless he had been while Daun clung to him like he was going to disappear again.

He was too tired to retort and butt heads with the eldest septuplet but had enough energy to console Daun who wouldn't stop crying.

"I thought we lost you!" He cried out, fat tears streaming down his face, "I've never been so scared in my life!"

"Not even with that snake incident during that Katakululu mission?" Cahaya joked and his brother merely pouted at him for the reminder.

"Please don't do that again." Air said as he came in the room with a now cotton candy-free Api, "Seeing you get blasted out in space twice almost gave Petir a heart attack."

Petir scowled at him, face turning red, "That's not true!"

"Oh~ you were that worried, huh?" Cahaya teased his brother who turned to him with a redder face and an angrier scowl.

"Try that again and I'll make sure you'll be sorry!" This was usually Petir's way of showing concern, threatening to kill them when they end up in a life and death situation. Just typical Petir stuff.

"Hey guys!" Angin appeared by the door with a tray of soup, biscuits and water, "Cahaya! I'm so glad you're awake! Tanah told me to bring you some light food for now. You might not be able to stomach the oily stuff since you've been knocked out for the past few days."

"So, I've been told." He tried to hide his grimace when the tray was set in front of him. He was never an avid fan when it came to eating— since he had this tendency to prioritize his focus over his experiments and research over something so trivial.

"Speaking of, where is he?" Api asked looking back at the door, "I thought he'd be the first one to punch through those doors as soon as he heard the nerd finally woke up."

"That's a little too extreme." Ying snickered.

"Nope, he'd definitely do something like that." Daun sniffed and wiped his snot on Cahaya's shirt.

"Ugh! Daun— gross!"

And the day proceeded with it being more chaotic as it usually was with his brothers around. However, despite how everyone tried to distract him, it did not escape Cahaya's notice that not once did Tanah stop by. He tried to not let it bother him, but he couldn't help but feel like something was up.

He was also bracing himself for the lecture that was bound to come for facing the space pirate head-on and for executing horrible teamwork during his first opportunity of proving himself in a battle.

Yup, Tanah will never let that one go for sure.

Eventually, everyone left the room as Petir nagged that he needed rest and practically threatened everyone to get out. Almost getting into a fight with Api in the process as well.

Setting aside his violent tendencies, Petir can totally compete with Tanah on the role of being the mom in the group.

"Get some rest! Don't do anything stupid." Petir warned before leaving the room with a grumpy face.

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