Chapter 15: Adventure & Deathly Situations Await

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It had been a few days since Cahaya had finally been discharged with a clean bill of health.

And in those days he had been stuck in bed rest, he was left mulling about Tanah's decision of them quitting TAPOPS.

First, he was dumbfounded.

Which was immediately followed by a sense of injustice of it all.

Since when did they get to make that decision without his own input about the whole thing?!

It was definitely unfair on his part.

He wanted to confront his brothers, especially since he had been waiting for the day after that for them to break it to him, but surprisingly it never happened.

He was furious at Tanah for deciding something without even consulting him when he was usually an adviser when it came to decision-making for the team.

But then they'll discover he had eavesdropped using his super-secret spy cam that no one must know. Except for him.

Not that he doesn't trust his brothers.

It was more of trying to have a contingency plan just in case he would be left in a situation wherein he had no one else to trust but himself.

(Anyway, back to the situation at hand.)

Fortunately, it seemed like he didn't have to wait any longer when one day during dinner, Tanah kept shooting Petir looks.

Obviously, he knew where this was going as soon as the former cleared his throat and looked up at him.

"Cahaya... there's something we need to tell you."

He tried to play it cool, but he felt his eye twitch for a moment. He did his best to look curious instead of accusing, but he wasn't sure if he was doing a good job when Tanah raised an eyebrow at his reaction.

He really needs to get his acting skills straight.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Don't play dumb. I thought that wasn't your forte." Petir butts in cockily which earned him a glare.

"I really have no idea what you guys want to talk about." Cahaya stubbornly insisted which was met with an eye roll from Api.

"I bet you 20 Ringgits the nerd already knows." He said to Air who ignored him as he continued eating his dinner.

"Cahaya, were you eavesdropping again?" Tanah frowned at him disapprovingly, "How many times did I tell you that it's rude and is an invasion of privacy!"

"How'd you do it this time? Did you use a drone?" Angin asked excitedly while Daun immediately added;

"Did you bug Tanah with a mic? Or was it a spy cam-"

"Okay, that's enough! I think we're getting way off topic here!" Cahaya scowled and turned to Tanah accusingly, "Why are we quitting TAPOPS?!"

"WHAT?!" Api exclaimed, who looked just as shocked as the other brothers, sans Petir and Tanah.

The two exchanged panicked looks instead.


Apparently, he wasn't supposed to figure that out so soon.

No one was.

"You said we were only going to take a long break!" Angin exclaimed, looking just as betrayed as Cahaya felt the first time he had heard it.

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