dogs to men and
diamonds for women
that is rarely ever truea friend is someone
relative or not
who bonds with youbut what makes one
the best and stand
out from the others?did it all start
with a push from
your mothers?was it how long
they've been
part of your life?did you push
together through
the same strife?or does it
depend on what
you two share?is similar interests
what started
this sweet care?or had it just clicked?
why you
lucky duckno matter the reason
hope their intentions
don't make you yell f***because not all
are pure in
our worldloneliness wears
even the strongest
ones downand they choose you
in hopes of getting
rid of their frownthey don't want
you for you, but no
one else is aroundso they'll stick
around till someone
better is foundwhich leads me
to my next
warning for youstatus or riches
is what some seek
so not all are trueheed my warnings
that's one thing
i hope you dobut don't let this
scare you from
all those who woo-t.d.